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07/23/2001: "Life."

Archived Entry:
Last Friday I think I had a little too much. Went to a party an old bud from High School threw in San Francisco. I do not want to ever have to drive around San Francisco if I'm not with someone who knows where to go. It's a big pain in the ass. A little late I found out it was a theme party, which was "the afterlife." Interesting what people dressed up as. I dressed up as a dorky computer nerd who died at his monitor. Stupid, huh? I think I was the only one not wearing black... I guess I was also the only one going to Heaven...

The next day I attended a barbeque for another old High School bud. Damn, so many High School friends in one week! The theme of this get-together was "Hawaiian." Once again I fail to get word that it was themed. I went home somewhere in the middle of it to change into my Hawaiian shirt moO gave me a while back that she got from Hawaii. I always give her a hard time, because one time we were browsing through Miller's Outpost and saw one very close to the one she gave me. So, I was like, so you really got this in Hawaii, eh? how about a Miller's Outpost in Hawaii. Heh, I don't think she liked that remark...

Looking and looking for a job is the hardest thing to do nowadays, now that so many people are unemployed. Businesses have a huge market to pick from, why would anyone want me? I guess I'll go back to my being unemployed and play Counter Strike.
Bitching by Adam @ 01:56 PM PST