Replies: 6 People Bitched
On Monday, November 12th @ 08:47 PM PST, Jesse said:
nukes are not the answer
On Monday, November 12th @ 08:50 PM PST, Adam said:
Sorry, underground piercing nukes are.
On Monday, November 12th @ 10:35 PM PST, Jesse said:
well its all irrelevent now.. it was not a terrorist act anyway, and the Northern Alliance took Kabul today... not saying it's perfect, but I do know one thing. Your font is way too small.
On Tuesday, November 13th @ 12:30 AM PST, Adam said:
I'm jut talking about the whole thing. I was watching the whole thing since 9 this morning I didn't think it was terrorists, either way its just a sad, sad freak accident. yeah well, I like it small, the size is small. small like me, maybe I'll make it bigger. Maybe I won't. Thats why it says at the top to press link if it's too small. =P
On Tuesday, November 13th @ 07:58 PM PST, Jesse said:
I can't even read what you just wrote! ;)
On Tuesday, November 13th @ 08:03 PM PST, Adam said:
I'm actually wondering if that is a good thing now.