Well, whatever you believe in, Christmas, Kwanzaa, whatever, I hope you enjoyed the holidays you had. Plus, I hope you all got what you wanted. I know I got SOME. Of course, money always works for me...
Well, I finally got my new HTML/XHTML book as well as the PHP book I wanted. Woohoo! moO got me the electric shaver I wanted, it was the best gift! Mainly 'cause I've always bitched and whinned to her that I wanted to get one, and every time she'd just say, "You don't have any money." Ronny, gave me the Everquest expansion set. moO was NOT too thrilled about that. Heh. And one of my favorite gifts, my dearest sister, off of something I said earlier this weekend, bought me a three cup rice cooker! Hehe, I'd think she'd not want me to make more rice. **Shhh** She hates it when I make my rice, chicken, and curry. It's kinda cute! It's like the big ones only, like, half the height! She also got me a little waterfall type of desk decoration, another cute thing I've said I wanted in the past. Other stuff I got was like clothes, or tickets to a Sharks game, or money. I'm hard to buy stuff for. Of course, money always works for me...