Archived Entry:
Ok, so I'm out to get a bite to eat at Rojo's, this ''wrap'' place and Mr. Wong, the owner of Rojo's says to me, ''Nice to see you again, Adam.'' I'm thinking, how nice. And I reply with the usual banality. Then he adds, ''Adam, looks like you gained weight.'' WTF?!@$!#%$@! I reply with a polite, ''Heh, yeah, cya.'' $%^!@#$%@!#$% does everyone think I'm fat?! I'm gonna go and scarf myself with a Rojo's wrap then kill myself.
Bitching by Adam @ 04:17 PM PST
Replies: 12 People Bitched
On Thursday, August 8th @ 12:15 AM PST, MysteryPamTM said:
yes, you fat mf! no wonder you want to grow your hair long :P
On Thursday, August 8th @ 01:50 PM PST, jesse said:
when did a mr. Wong own Ro-Joes? and how does he know you and your weight?
On Friday, August 9th @ 04:19 PM PST, Adam said:
Seeing as I have worked at the Wherehouse and Wireless World (when it existed there) and they both are next door to Rojo's, he's bound to know who I am since I used to eat there everyday. (still do eat there alot)And if you see a recuring customer you're bound to know if they change any. Scary, 'cause the guy at Ravioli's know's and remembers me too. Mr. Wong always owned Rojo's, as far as I know. If you look carefully I think the licenses and stuff are in his name.
On Saturday, August 10th @ 12:15 PM PST, Adam said:
I don't get it, Pam, only fat people can have long hair? What does that have to do with anything, explain.
On Sunday, August 11th @ 03:01 PM PST, pam said:
a little late with the response, aren't we?
On Sunday, August 11th @ 05:38 PM PST, Adam said:
2 days isn't late.
On Monday, August 12th @ 09:57 PM PST, shmelly said:
i dunno bout chubby.. but u do look like bruce lee with that hair do we saw u with the other day...........
On Tuesday, August 13th @ 12:34 AM PST, pam said:
write a new post, goddamnit! !@#$dfs^%@##%
On Tuesday, August 13th @ 12:40 AM PST, Adam said:
Funny, you're the one to talk... OK...
On Tuesday, August 13th @ 12:16 PM PST, jesse said:
I want to see this Blooce Ree hair
On Tuesday, August 13th @ 03:52 PM PST, Adam said:
WTF is Blooce Ree?
On Wednesday, August 14th @ 07:37 PM PST, NiNa said:
Blooce Ree? trying to be funny or what?