Ah the things people do for money. I've gotten an email before stating they're from nigeria, or something rather, and they have an excess of $19Mil but can't get to it, and they need my help. hrm... Hope no one I know has fallen for it. Well, next time you do get one, you should play with them a little, kind of like
this guy. It's pretty long, but if you're bored like I am most of the time, it's worth the read.
Below is an email I got last year sometime. What can I say, pretty entertaining...
Delivered-To: ichaosi-com-adamatichaosi.com
Received: (qmail 10857 invoked by uid 1002); 6 Dec 2001 20:52:35 -0000
Delivered-To: ichaosi-com-furbyatichaosi.com
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by mail0.tyva.netherweb.com with SMTP; 6 Dec 2001 20:52:34 -0000
Received: from www628 by s-csi1.csiweb.de with local (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 16C5VI-0003gs-00; Thu, 06 Dec 2001 21:52:24 +0100
To: furbyatichaosi.com,bleys@ichat.com,ichiban@ichiban.com,paul.hatton@ichiban.com
From: sales@opt.com (Mike Doe)
Subject: Time Tavelers PLEASE HELP!
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 21:52:24 +0100
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
Mike Doe (sales@opt.com) on Thursday, December 6, 2001 at 21:52:24
message: If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the technology to travel physically through time I need your help!
My life has been severely tampered with and cursed!!
I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!
I need to be able to:
Travel back in time.
Rewind my life including my age.
Be able to remember what I know now so that I can prevent my life from being tampered with again after I go back.
I am in very great danger and need this immediately!
I am aware that there are many types of time travel and that humans do not do well through certain types.
I need as close to temporal reversion as possible, as safely as possible. To be able to rewind the hands of time in such a way that the universe of now will cease to exist.
I know that there are some very powerful people out there with alien or government equipment capable of doing just that.
If you can help me I will pay for your teleport or trip down here, Along with hotel stay, food and all expenses. I will pay top dollar for the equipment. Proof must be provided.
Only if you have this technology and can help me please send me a (SEPARATE) email to: