Yes, that's the name of the hockey team that I'm playing with now. I'm playing at the
Ice Centre in San Jose now. Today was the first game of the season. Yeah, I don't really want to talk about it right now. Needless to say, I wasn't really on my game today. We managed to lose 1-5. I scored a goal though... For the other team. It went of my skate and into my goal. How stupid is that? I did managed to draw a lot of penalties today, something around four today. That might be a personal best. Too bad it didn't help any. So, yeah, I was beat up pretty well today. The last hit I took was from behind, I was skating towards the puck that was in the corner of the other end, and then I get crosschecked into the boards and slam my elbow into the boards. Penalty! After I got up, and got my bearings, the center on my team asked me, ''What are you made of, rubber?'' I guess it's 'cause I took so many hits today, and just got back up to play. I gotta get back on the treadmill and work on my stamina again...
So, yeah, I'm still running on the treadmill, as much as my body will allow me. I try to eat LOTS less bad food, thanks to
moO's influence. I am still spending a LOT of money on Jamba Juice. It's healthier, but expensive. I have to rethink the healthy part though. I always get the Berry Lime Sublime Powersize no boost. Maybe I should get a boost. Anyone have any recommendations? I found out that my drink is about 560 calories!!! So, I can't eat all that much the rest of the day. I'm not on any diet, but I'm still trying to lose some holiday insulation from 2 years ago. So, I still try to get under 2000 calories. Hrm, OK, that sounds like a ''diet,'' call it what you wish.
After much, MUCH time, I finally beat another Final Fantasy. Previously this was my FF record. FF7 - Beat, FF8 - Last boss, FF9 - Eh, I played it a little, FFX - Still in the plastic wrap. Sad. I managed to beat FF9 this week, that is, after 60 some odd hours. Sad. I'm told it can be done in 13! I'm aiming for finishing FF8 before I play 10. I tried to beat 8 a couple times, unsuccessful. *Sigh* I gotta get a job designing games. No, wait. I'll settle for
A job... Well, you know what I mean.