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02/15/2003: "In Washington"

Archived Entry:
I'm now in Washington, in case you haven't heard. I managed to get broadband in my Hilton hotel room, YAY. $9.95/Day 12pm-12pm, lame. So I can keep you updated with my mundane life. I'd give you the 360 QuickTime, but my uncle is sleeping. Maybe later.

I have my little ''birdie'' here with me. That's what we named my laptop webcam. I think I shoulda brought my desktop webcam, 'cause it has a button on the top so I can take pictures by just clicking the button. Why is that important? I can take unlimited lame webcam pics without having my laptop out and open, and just leave it in my backpack and just click. Lame, yes, I know.

In case you didn't know, I'm here to watch my brother's ice hockey tournament. Two games down so far. Last night he lost against the Seattle team, leaving one of his teammates injured on his first shift (he'll most likely play tomorrow). This morning at 10, he went against the L.A. team, who is in the same hotel, and came out on top 5-0. I forgot to mention, we watched this L.A. team play yesterday, and got their asses kicked something like 10-0. After today's game, we watched their next adversaries, a Canadian team. And we all know Canada is known for good hockey teams. They were so-so. We'll see tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, they have a ''double-header;'' one game in the morning, and one in the evening.

BTW, I uploaded one of my clips. It's a clip of the only goal I've scored in this season. Sure I had a goal pre-season, but that doesn't really count. Sure it's not pretty, no puck handle & no dekes, but I scored! That's what really matters.

Things I've lost, so far: Sony earbuds & Fossil Watch...
Bitching by Adam @ 04:19 PM PST

Replies: 3 People Bitched

On Sunday, February 16th @ 12:43 AM PST, moO said:
you lost your WATCH?!!!
On Monday, February 17th @ 10:04 PM PST, pam said:
$9.95 a DAY?!?
On Tuesday, February 18th @ 12:17 AM PST, Adam said:
That's what I wrote, didn't I?