Yes, I said it. F*CK the Humane Society. Those kittens we had for a little while were given up to the Humane Society to find good homes. Yesterday, on the way home from taking care of the puppies I get a call from moO. Sounding RATHER upset, she tells me that the kitties were put to sleep. WTF?! We gave them up so they could be happy and find homes not to be killed! She said they claimed that they were too young and would have to find a foster home for them 'cause they were too young. They probably didn't even look. Hell, if it were only a few more weeks, I would have fostered them. I find it odd that they would kill kitties and let the older ones live. I don't hate older animals, but realistically I know people buy kitties over older cats. So, why did they have to get rid of our Fig and Muffin, you pieces of sh*t eating mother f*ckers!? Never give those A-Holes an animal you want to live and get adopted.