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06/09/2003: "Hockey Saturday"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 120339
Blade Runners000016

Wow, we rocked on Saturday, despite having only two lines and a floating forward. Ugh, I ate like an hour before the game. I usually only eat 5 hours before a game, but I was SO hungry my sister and I went out for Yiassoo. I felt like throwing up the whole game LOL. I guess I could have played a little better if I hadn't eating so close to game time. In any case, we got our first season shut-out. YAY. I had a few REALLY close scoring chances right up front of the net, but just couldn't get it in. Maybe next time. I think even though we had a short bench, we did an exceptional job. Everyone except for our D man, Flynn. I think he needs some work. Mauahahah j/k.
Bitching by Adam @ 10:58 AM PST