It's official... well it HAS been, but I'm just too lazy to blog... but, we have a new addition to the family. Meet Chi-Toe or Chi-Chi for short, which doesn't make any sense 'cause it's the same amount of letters and syllables. Dree-Dree, moO's Sister named her, I was hoping it was a boy so we could just name it chester, LOL. Too bad ''Orange Cat'' was already taken. You remember? Chong? (Chinese for orange)...

Pounce Mode

Chi-Chi SleepingChi-Chi was one of the four baby kittens moO found under her property; the fate of two you know =( , and the one other baby and Mommie cat are still roaming outside the property, we decided to foster this one so its fate will not be the same as the other two. We will keep this one as long as we can, pending my parents freaking out because of the fleas. But, after it's 8 weeks old we can flea dip it and bomb my room then all is good. I think it's a girl, we all do, but I'm too lazy to fight with the kitty to check. She's a WILD one. Unlike the ill fated two, she likes to PLAY, and play she does most of the time. She does have her down time, as seen in the pic above. So, if we don't get too attached and you or anyone you know wants to adopt her send me an