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06/17/2003: "Hockey Sunday"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 202425
Charleston Chiefs201322

3 wins in a row. What is this world coming to?! Yes, our game was on Sunday, and I got a little lazy. So, with 3 full lines up front and 2 Ds, we had plenty of lines to keep us all fresh on the ice. At first I was a little scared because the other team was matching us point for point. The last several minutes we were tied 3-3 then we scored again to take the lead. Nothin' much to say about this game, other than my Dad's cousin Gary scored our 2nd goal. Go, Gary! Sadly, supposedly that was the second place team. I hope we can keep this streak going. Go, Misfits!
Bitching by Adam @ 02:24 PM PST