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07/19/2003: "Hockey Saturday"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 213623

AND WE'RE .500 BABY! However, we still ended the game (kinda... I think there was a few minutes left) with a little scrum. But, we came out on top with that one. The other player headbutted one of our players (7 minute penalty) while our center Rich (I think he was suspended last game for 3rd man, he's the greatest and always protects our goalie... no matter who it is for that week =) LOL) yet again protects the goalie. The penalties put us 5 on 4. (they pulled their goalie since were at 5-4 right now.) We win a draw and I'm far up and the pass comes to me and I have to fend off the D on me and I get closer to the empty net (as to not take a shot and shoot WIDE), skate faster to lose the D, take my shot, score. An easy empty netter.

OKOK back to the beginning. Before the game we were a little worried about our goalie situation and the lack of players in the dressing room. Luckly, Rich (our Canadian Goalie) got one of his friends to play, and he did his job well! We lost Joe somewhere in the 2nd or third due to an injury, but luckly we gained another Joe and a Brian too earlier. So, we played with 3 sets of wingers and 2 centers. And I'm oblivious to how many Ds but I think 2 sets...

RIGHT out of the gate, and I'm serious, not even a minute has ticked on the clock and Marshall scores a big goal. I don't remember but I think this was the goal from downtown (the D slot). I think Marshall got AT LEAST a hat trick.

Late in the third we were getting a little worried, because they scored a goal to inch their way closer to us, took a time out and scored again. Luckly I came on top and took a hard angle shot to the net and had their defenseman in front of the net deflect it in for me. After the game our "Captain" Kelly said to me something like, "All your goals are pretty." and my normal response to that? I take it how I can get it. One other team deflect and an empty netter, way to stay positive on the +/- and pad those stats! Way to go guys we're .500 now!
Bitching by Adam @ 08:14 PM PST