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08/11/2003: "Hockey Sunday"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 111325
Ice Pirates200222

Despite my better judgement I decided to play our last season game. It's not like my doctors said, ''don't play hockey'' or anything and they knew it was a hockey related injury. So, anyway, before the game I still wasn't sure if I should play. But I'm glad I did. I finally got a worth while goal by scoring the winning goal. Not just any goal, but right in front of the goal I kicked the puck with my skate to my stick and shot it in. HA, aw the controversy. The other team obviously bitched after the refs made the call. What are the to do? I shot it with my stick. Note: You can't kick the puck into the goal. Hell, I think you can kick it to the goalie and have it ricochet off of him into the goal.

I had two other chances that didn't go as planned. One was when I took a shot right in front of the goal and piled one of their D's on their goalie, they had to pull the D and goalie to see if the puck was over the goal line, it wasn't damnit. The second try was when I had the puck and deked the goalie but managed to either skate too fast and/or lose control of the puck and over shot the goal. If I JUST had control of the puck a split second longer I would have had a wide open net.

With both teams having short benches, you know the game play was going to be slow. HA, my excuse is that I was injured but I decided to go out there 'cause I knew we'd have a short bench. But, BOY am I going to feel it tomorrow! The adrenaline is already out of my system and am starting to feel it. Well, excuses or not, we got the job done. Good job guys. We gotta get this streak going for next week. Playoffs! Come watch!
Bitching by Adam @ 12:41 AM PST