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09/22/2003: "NO MORE BASKETBALL!"
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YAY, Yesterday was the last day for NBA Live 2004. Today I worked a little on SSX3 again before it gets finalized and sent out tomorrow or so. Tomorrow, my sister is going to love this one, I get to work in the Sims - Making Magic expansion pack. No it isn't dirty, it's like magic-magic, like Harry Potter or David Blaine kinda magic. Heh, while waiting in the lobby my first day of work, the was a video of previews of all the up coming games and Sims 2 was one of them. It was just a FMV with the hyped-up graphical Sims characters and it was pretty cool if they could get the game like that. But I bet is was just the movie. A couple parts if the movie you see the chick tear off her top, blurred of course. Pretty funny though. Anyone remember the nude skins for Sims? Ha. My sister showed me those a long time ago. Tomorrow, C&C:G Zero Hour and Freedom Fighters, YAY! In any case, it's nice to be off of NBA Live 2004... Now, to find a way to dodge the NCAA March Madness...
Bitching by Adam @ 07:33 PM PST