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10/20/2003: "Hockey Sunday"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 201331
Char. Chiefs000028

Ha, another goalie got in my face. Man, one of these days. We had a pretty full bench this week. I've been in a scoring slump lately. Time to pick up my skates and start crashing the net more... Um, figuratively speaking, of course. Seriously, I don't know they goalies problems. If they'd look up once in a while, they'd see their teammater right behind me with their gloves and stick on my back pushing me into them. But, of course not. Goalies have to be p*ssies about it and bitch. Good thing our team takes care of our goalie, Rich. I don't see any of the goalies out there, with their team backing them up. That says alot. Sure, call me a "little man", ok, fat man, stop bitching like a p*ssy and play the game.
Bitching by Adam @ 11:30 PM PST