Home » Archives » January 2004 » Hockey Sunday, Score: 3-0 Loss, Record: 9-4-1

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01/05/2004: "Hockey Sunday, Score: 3-0 Loss, Record: 9-4-1"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 000025

I hope everyone sent in those nice Ref evals online. Need the link again? Email me. After a period of a very even game, it was quickly taken away LATE in the second period... oh say the last 20 seconds of the game when a miscall of a certain penalty was called. At first they were called for a penalty then somehow an opposite penalty was called reversing the last penalty. Joey B. was called for a Roughing call, but the other Ref agreed with us (after the fact) since Joe was up against the boards, there shouldn't have been a call. However it was too late because we didn't actually heatfully debate this issue until the end of the period which I might add was AFTER a goal was scored against us 3 seconds after the f'ked up penalty was called. Did that make sense? okok. 0:20 left penalty on us... BOOO!!!, 0:07 they score, 0:00 we bitch. Perhaps we should have disputed the call well before the 3 seconds passed, and I'm sure despite the 1 crap goal was scored, we should have still kept our heads in the game. I don't know what happened out there, be it holidays still in our head or the fact that we haven't had a game in a while, we just didn't play out A game out there. Well, hopefully we'll get out game back for tomorrow as we have a game at the HP Pavilion at 10:00. Don't be f'kin late. I might be HAR. j/k I hope not...
Bitching by Adam @ 11:32 PM PST