I'm at a
LOSS OF WORDS!On a side note, Wayne Brady talked about William Hung. It doesn't help the Asian community that a girl in the audience yells out "Asian Pride". Wayne goes on to say something to the effect that he understands pride, but you wouldn't buy a house from a guy if it was done poorly. He also goes on to make fun of himself and claims to want to buy the CD out of curiousity. Anyone wanna rip me one so I don't have to waste my non existand money?
On a complete different note, I got the ATI TVWonder in now, maybe I'll make more bootleg. HAR j/k sorta... Tivo
+ TVWonder/A-I-W
/ Adobe Premiere
= good times. Har.
Edit: 4/5/03 11:06PM Well, here it is:
Wayne Brady Cooks April Fools Food With Bev Tanner
Wayne Brady Talks About William HungBTW, Wayne Brady, please don't sue me. =) Wayne is awesome!