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08/06/2004: "Habanero Burgers"

Archived Entry:
Ok, so everyone has read about the 911 challenge at Cluck-U's, correct? Today, we went to Prince of Wales Pub (POW) in San Mateo. Funny thing is, I've always seen that place when in town to see my Grandparents and never thought anything. Today, I actually walked in the place and came out full of their habenero burger and a bumpersticker in hand. (I'll up a pick soon) So, six (I think) of us took the habanero burger challenge. Basically, it's the hottest sauce mixed in and on top of the hambuger meat. Much like the 911 Challenge, it's hothothot. However, we all agreed that the 911 challenge was MUCH worse. I think the hardest thing about the burger was eating (scarfing) the buger fast so as to feel the least amount of pain in the shortest amount of time. One guy, Chen, at the burger in something like less than a minute. I wasn't last surprisingly enough. So, now we have another place to challenge people. Heck, if Linnie comes to town, I'll take her there too. =) The funny thing is, tomorrow, before the CA Extreme Arcade Show, we're supposed to be going to Cluck-U's for lunch. Ok, I've had my share of spicy ass food.
Bitching by Adam @ 11:27 PM PST

Replies: 2 People Bitched

On Saturday, August 7th @ 09:28 PM PST, Linnie said:
It all sounds yummy!
On Sunday, August 8th @ 06:52 AM PST, Shia said:
you better save some heat for me when i come back. mmmm habanero burger