Home » Archives » August 2004 » Hockey Sunday. Score: 2-6 Loss, Record: 13-6-2

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08/08/2004: "Hockey Sunday. Score: 2-6 Loss, Record: 13-6-2"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 011231

Ah the struggle with this team. It's epic now. The thing is, I think we could have taken them today. But, being the Misfits, we let it slip away the last possible minute. Yes, we have a habit of doing that, and I have no idea why. Well, it's not a loss, so I'll take it. I just hope we do better next week. Grats me for a great tip. Although, pure luck, I know what I wanted to do, not that I knew exactly what I was doing. Good thing I practiced all those years ago with my brother HA.

Bitching by Adam @ 10:32 PM PST