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04/10/2005: "Hockey Sunday, PLAYOFFs!!! Score: 1-3 WIN!, Record 1-0"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 300321
Bandits 1010117

Holy crap what a game. This is how we should play every game, hard hitting and to the point. We really showed them we want the W. I mean, come on. ALL THREE goals of ours were SHORTHANDED GOALS. What does that mean? Just that when the goal was scored, someone was in the penalty box making it 4 on 5 on the ice.

Grats to Byron (2g) and Russ (2a). Grats to JoeB for the winning goal, from Steve. Only one more game, the Championship Game!!! Let's win it this season! Sunday 4/17 12:15PM Be there!!!
Bitching by Adam @ 09:34 PM PST