Today was my culinary school graduation, and I was very happy to finally walk. Many of you know I didn't walk to my high school graduation, simply for the fact that I didn't know I could and decided not to fight it. Years later I found out that I was in the sign in sheet but never showed and was taken out of the program.
Oh well, on to today. Today was a great, but short, get-together. It was great to see all my old culinary school friends, although some weren't there. We all got a surprise when a program was passed around. In addition to the diplomas being passed out, awards were passed out to those chosen by the chefs to a single individual in each class which diplayed many chosen atributes such as: overall attendance, high gpa, leadership skills, consistancy of products, etc. (more stuff I forgot). I was shocked and honored that Chef Bo chose me. Even though I know I worked hard in everything I did there, I never knew I'd be the one to be awarded with something so great. I miss school. I miss the people there. Time to move on.
Anyway, I hope to have pictures of me and everyone up soon so keep this page bookmarked!
Edited: 3/11 1:51AM Ok I got some of the pics. If you went to PCI and are not in any pics with me WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!? (not including the school pic!)

Recieved the Joseph Amendola Award with two others from the other pastry classes.

Dylan has captioned this one on my MySpace,
I hate you... jk

Dylan and I, friends and rivals to the end, ha jk.
Even when it's all over, she's still at it. She's even trying to cover my face with your shadow in the picture!

My loving parents, though express it in their own way, we know they care.

moO and I

Today is MY day. Yes, that's my wedding cake topper from way back in the day.
I don't care how old it is, I'm showcasing it to everyone I know!