It was raining this morning and while I appreciate the precipitation, I don’t appreciate being rained on when riding the bike. It wasn’t so bad not a full downpour like we need, but enough that the roads were wet and I kept needing to wipe my face shield. Hope this rain helps with the fires in northern California.
Author: dUm
[Destiny] Luck or Skill
No, I would definitely say “LUCK.” But still a good video of how lucky I really am. Here’s a taste of Bungie/Activision’s Destiny during a MP firefight on the XB1.
As an attempt to diversify my blog, in addition to my random ramblings and bitching, I’ll upload videos if me sucking at video games. I haven’t had much time to sit down and play any video games. With working an hour away each way added to my crazy workout schedule, I don’t play a lot. I try to sneak some games at work during lunch, but for some dumb reason it’s frowned upon cause they can’t figure out when I’m taking my lunch. I think I need a less hostile workplace…
It’s not a secret, there’s a drought here in California. So much so we’d welcome any type of rain here… Well most of us.
I both love and hate rain. I love jogging outside in the rain. I like rainy sunny days, especially in Hawaii where it’s still harm. Who I hate is rain when I’m riding the bike. I’m no longer carpooling, so the bike is the best transport. Plus it’s actually even better than carpooling as I get better gas mileage than most non-hybrid/electric (maybe even better than some of those traveling at speeds of 65+MPH) don’t get the same traffic cars do. Anyway, I digress… Of course, Mother Nature decides to make it rain right when I get new tires. Rain is dangerous as it is, riding a bike anywhere is dangerous as it is, put it together with stupid drivers on the road and you have a big mess.
Luckily, I managed to get to work in one piece… Today. Keep it safe, look, and signal before SLOWLY changing lanes. Remember, in California, it’s legal to lane share/split. So don’t purposely get in the way of a passing bike, you could get a ticket for that!
Sometimes I just hate weekends. It’s great to have time off from work. But it’s a pain when I become lazy and/or over eat, and often not so good for you food. I managed to gain back a little weight I had previously lost. Let’s hope it was expended with today’s workout…
Weight Loss + Wedding Ring = Sadface
I’ve lost so much weight in the past ~3 months. Even my hands are less fatty. So much so my wedding ring doesn’t fit properly and can easily slip off. It’s still warm here so I can’t imagine how it’s going to feel coming this cold winter…
Don’t worry, I didn’t lose it. It’s just loose.
On, my morning weigh-in my BMI is now in the green indicator, that made my < 3 months worth every minute. But I'm not done yet.
New Shoes!
I’ve been buying a lot of running shoes lately. I just picked up another pair of shoes today!!! Click past the jump:
I bought a 6 pack of Nike socks (three pair, duh). Now I’ve only worn two pairs. I go to pick up the last pair and in the bundle is three individual brand new socks. WTF? There’s no way it was an older one prancing as a new sock. I kept the new socks wrapped with the outer paper to signify it was a new pair(?). So why are there three socks left?! Odd way to start the day.
Replacement Phone
YAY! I picked up my replacement phone today. The store calls me at about 8:45PM, “Your replacement phone is here ready for exchange.”
“Great, what time do you close?”
I’m thinking, OK, I could just pick it up tomorrow. No, that won’t do. The battery is swelling up and of course if I wait, with my luck, that would be the day the battery blows up. Nope, picking it up today. I hop on the bike and race there. Luckily I don’t live far from the store. When I get there there’s already maybe 10 people in front of me with the same battery exchange problem. Odd thing is, my phone did not fall under the replacement battery warranty/recall. But since I had the swelling and was pushing up my screen from the body, they exchanged it out.
So, now I sit here with a brand new phone. I lucked out this time, normally every time I leave that place I have to spend more money to get it fixed…