Charlie Horse

A Charlie Horse in the calf woke me up today, that was fun. Luckily, I know what to do. However, on top of that, Kiki decided to play about an hour earlier. She tends to paw at the cupboards in the bathroom to make noises to wake us up. Well, just me, moO has earplugs. …So, today’s going to be fun! /sarcasm.


Ugh, Farmer’s Tan

So, I’m pretty active now, outside and inside. But, I do a lot of walking outside and have a nice tan color going… However, it’s ONLY on my arms. Stupid farmer’s tan!

Hard to tell in the pic but there’s my Fitbit tanline.


New Blog

Hey all. New blog here. Ok… old blog new location, new look, new backend. Yes, I know I said no new format, I lied… I decided it was time to ditch Greymatter and upgrade to the year 2014… Sort of. I mean do people actually blog anymore? Welcome WordPress to

Anyway, I can now bitch and moan without a computer, thanks to the WordPress app. Now you’re all doomed.

Random Thought

Why do we tell brides how beautiful they look? I mean, is she horrible to look at normally? Now, before you flame me, yes, I know, wedding/picture/tv/stage makeup is MUCH different than everyday makeup. Yes, she spend a lot of money and time doing the make up for that ONE day. It’s just, like I said in the subject line, a “random thought.”