Pulling a Forest Gump

Just like the title says, I’m pulling a Forest Gump. moO is out for a baby shower, so I’m out walking/jogging. Oh hey my taco place. BRB.

Okay, that was good. Time to keep walking!

Edit: Ok, it wasn’t as far as I thought. It felt far…


Rain Again…

It was raining this morning and while I appreciate the precipitation, I don’t appreciate being rained on when riding the bike.  It wasn’t so bad not a full downpour like we need, but enough that the roads were wet and I kept needing to wipe my face shield. Hope this rain helps with the fires in northern California.


It’s not a secret, there’s a drought here in California. So much so we’d welcome any type of rain here… Well most of us.

I both love and hate rain. I love jogging outside in the rain. I like rainy sunny days, especially in Hawaii where it’s still harm. Who I hate is rain when I’m riding the bike. I’m no longer carpooling, so the bike is the best transport. Plus it’s actually even better than carpooling as I get better gas mileage than most non-hybrid/electric (maybe even better than some of those traveling at speeds of 65+MPH) don’t get the same traffic cars do. Anyway, I digress… Of course, Mother Nature decides to make it rain right when I get new tires. Rain is dangerous as it is, riding a bike anywhere is dangerous as it is, put it together with stupid drivers on the road and you have a big mess.

Luckily, I managed to get to work in one piece… Today. Keep it safe, look, and signal before SLOWLY changing lanes. Remember, in California, it’s legal to lane share/split. So don’t purposely get in the way of a passing bike, you could get a ticket for that!


Sometimes I just hate weekends. It’s great to have time off from work. But it’s a pain when I become lazy and/or over eat, and often not so good for you food. I managed to gain back a little weight I had previously lost. Let’s hope it was expended with today’s workout…

Weight Loss + Wedding Ring = Sadface

I’ve lost so much weight in the past ~3 months. Even my hands are less fatty. So much so my wedding ring doesn’t fit properly and can easily slip off. It’s still warm here so I can’t imagine how it’s going to feel coming this cold winter…

Don’t worry, I didn’t lose it. It’s just loose.

On, my morning weigh-in my BMI is now in the green indicator, that made my < 3 months worth every minute. But I'm not done yet.


I bought a 6 pack of Nike socks (three pair, duh). Now I’ve only worn two pairs. I go to pick up the last pair and in the bundle is three individual brand new socks. WTF? There’s no way it was an older one prancing as a new sock. I kept the new socks wrapped with the outer paper to signify it was a new pair(?). So why are there three socks left?! Odd way to start the day.

Replacement Phone

YAY! I picked up my replacement phone today. The store calls me at about 8:45PM, “Your replacement phone is here ready for exchange.”

“Great, what time do you close?”



I’m thinking, OK, I could just pick it up tomorrow. No, that won’t do. The battery is swelling up and of course if I wait, with my luck, that would be the day the battery blows up. Nope, picking it up today. I hop on the bike and race there. Luckily I don’t live far from the store. When I get there there’s already maybe 10 people in front of me with the same battery exchange problem. Odd thing is, my phone did not fall under the replacement battery warranty/recall. But since I had the swelling and was pushing up my screen from the body, they exchanged it out.

So, now I sit here with a brand new phone. I lucked out this time, normally every time I leave that place I have to spend more money to get it fixed…

Broken iPhone

Brought in my iPhone cause the screen was coming apart. Lucky for me (I guess) the battery was swelling and they have to replace it for free! My rare lucky day. However, they’re out everywhere, so I have to wait a few days until I can get a new one. Oh well. Worth it to get a NEW one. Now, what does Apple have in store for the iPhone 6?