Nike+ Challenge

So, has this challenge system where you can, well, challenge other people from around the world. I just started another challenge, and wheeeeeeee, I ran a 10km today and boy am I tired. But, yay lookie below!

Yes, dUm is ME! Don’t get it? Think about it, A-dUm?

5 Things That Make You Smile

Hrm, If I had to choose just five, you’re probably gonna think it’s sad, but the five I chose is: (in no particular order)

  1. Giada DeLaurentiis’ Smile.
  2. Seeing a motorcycle on the road.
  3. Hearing the Smallville theme song by Remy Zero.
  4. Playing with my little cousins.
  5. A really well plated dessert. (normally it’s mine, jk)

Why did I only choose five? I think that, at this point, there’s not much to smile about; and five in the short amount of time I gave myself was an interesting challenge.

What are your five?

PCI Graduation [Pics]

Today was my culinary school graduation, and I was very happy to finally walk. Many of you know I didn’t walk to my high school graduation, simply for the fact that I didn’t know I could and decided not to fight it. Years later I found out that I was in the sign in sheet but never showed and was taken out of the program.

Oh well, on to today. Today was a great, but short, get-together. It was great to see all my old culinary school friends, although some weren’t there. We all got a surprise when a program was passed around. In addition to the diplomas being passed out, awards were passed out to those chosen by the chefs to a single individual in each class which diplayed many chosen atributes such as: overall attendance, high gpa, leadership skills, consistancy of products, etc. (more stuff I forgot). I was shocked and honored that Chef Bo chose me. Even though I know I worked hard in everything I did there, I never knew I’d be the one to be awarded with something so great. I miss school. I miss the people there. Time to move on.

Anyway, I hope to have pictures of me and everyone up soon so keep this page bookmarked!

Edited: 3/11 1:51AM Ok I got some of the pics. If you went to PCI and are not in any pics with me WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!? (not including the school pic!)
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I so forked up the layout and didn’t save the old layout so please deal with the mess.

Update: Sunday, 3/11 1:17 AM: So, refinishing up some of the layout issues I had, trying to streamline the clutteredness I’ve had for a while now. I figured I don’t need to put all that crap up, if anyone REALLY wanted to know certain things, they’d probably email or call me. Then again, sometimes it’s easier to just come here… Oh well, stuff is gone and probably won’t be back. I’ll be playing with the layout further, because since its birth, was mostly boring text. This is in part because I hate busy cluttery stupid looking ugly webpages with a ton of crap you can’t figure out how to work the page. You know, the kind of page you find on like 90% of myspace. Stupid people who make their own layout and decide ”white font on a primarily white background picture is a GOOD thing”… and then theres the page with 200 animated gifs that SOMEHOW crash computers that are top of the line. STOP THAT ISH!

Like I was told today(yesterday?) at my graduation, SIMPLER IS BETTER! Paraphrase of course…
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Sick Days

So, the past week I’ve been sick. I know, Adam doesn’t get sick easily. However when I do get sick, it hits hard. I had a 103.3F temperature, cough, headache, sneeze, runny nose, congested not fun time. I actually took two days off and I don’t normally take days off, especially if I work hourly and don’t get paid for not going to work. Anyway, I’m almost ready to get back to work. Almost? Ha no one really looks forward to Mondays.

PSP Repair [Link]

I want to express my thanks to a person who fixed my PSP, albeit a possible temporary fix but a fix none the less, for free. A while back I dropped my PSP and the backlight went out. I took it apart and then nothing worked. I sent it in to get fixed and was promptly sent back to me fixed, normally it would have cost me ~$60, but it wasn’t a full fix since it flickers every so often cause the leads to the backlight weren’t secure. Either way, it’s back in my hands and I only had to spend a few dollars shipping it there.

Anyway, thank you, Lynn.