I put on my big boy pants this weekend. Purchased my first BBQ! It’s about freaking time, we’ve lived in this condo, what, four years now? So, new BBQ! I’m all grown up now with my own BBQ…. But my parents had to put it on their Home Depot card so I could get 5% off. Aannd my dad had to drive his truck to pick it up with me. But I’m still all grown up and old now, I swear!
It’s not much, just a small two burner non name brand, hope it lasts at least five years. Well that’s as long as the warranty is good for. The sad part it was $50 more than the one my dad picked up the same day, his had more burners and much bigger. But I needed a small model to fit my tiny ass condo patio. So, I have to pay extra for compactness.
Yesterday, I fired it up and just made the usual burgers and polish dogs with some veg skewers. It turned out well! Next step, chicken and fish?