XBOX Mods [Links]

I don’t know if anyone knows this, but I finally got an XBOX. Despite being anti-MS, but not so much not to own a windows based PC, I had decided it was the best console on the market. But now, being who I am, it’s time to turn it from stock to “rice” LOL. I was looking for all types of LEDs and other type of color mods and gadgets. And, although these aren’t mods for the xbox, in my quest to find mods I came across a few odd things… Instead of writing about it, I’ll just let the web pages and pictures to all of the talking.

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I secretly kinda want one of these… LOL

2 thoughts on “XBOX Mods [Links]

  1. WHatup! Merry Xmas eve man! Glad to hear ya got your xbox. Now 100% of your EA checks will go back into EA getting xbox games that you never open! haha

    Have a good one!

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