Hrm… Seeing that I have a trip to Sin City (is that right?) coming in a couple weeks, I find it funny to see more and more LV commercials. The latest one was the one where the girl uses all the names when she meets guys: Cindy, Jan, Marsha, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, Samantha, Xena, Lucy (this is my friend Ethel (You gotta see her friend’s face lol)), Louise, Ginger. And the last guy introduces himself as Cliff and his friend Norm. I just had to laugh… or LOL… Ah, I forsee a fun weekend… Not TOOO fun… Is it sad that I know almost all of the names in the commercial? What’s with the Louise and Ginger?
Tell me if it works or not.
so, what happened?
i think the whole point is that you’re supposed to know all the names…