OK, so, last weekend I went to the open house and applied for school, and today I took their entry exam. The test was just simple math and English. You seriously have to not gone past Jr. High to completely fail this test. However, I think I’ve been watching too much Star Wars, because in many of the English part I had to double think myself, ”Does ‘To the store, we will go,’ or ‘Pick up milk, I will’ make sense? Yeah I think it does.” I almost wanted to say the wrong answer on purpose, but didn’t to look like an idiot. I found my self laugh a little quietly when I was taking the test, the other people taking the test was probably wondering WTF I was laughing at. Oh well, I get the results maybe Friday, cross your fingers for me. But, it isn’t my only thing holding me back from getting accepted. Cross your fingers either way!
Well I’m sure you did fine and dandy! I’ll cross my fingers for you too.
how’re the results, anyway?