Entry Exam

OK, so, last weekend I went to the open house and applied for school, and today I took their entry exam. The test was just simple math and English. You seriously have to not gone past Jr. High to completely fail this test. However, I think I’ve been watching too much Star Wars, because in many of the English part I had to double think myself, ”Does ‘To the store, we will go,’ or ‘Pick up milk, I will’ make sense? Yeah I think it does.” I almost wanted to say the wrong answer on purpose, but didn’t to look like an idiot. I found my self laugh a little quietly when I was taking the test, the other people taking the test was probably wondering WTF I was laughing at. Oh well, I get the results maybe Friday, cross your fingers for me. But, it isn’t my only thing holding me back from getting accepted. Cross your fingers either way!

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