Bear Claws and Chef! [Pics]

Ugh, today, first thing in the morning Chef snaps at me. I shouldn’t take it personal, and I should get used to it. (you might have heard of heard of all of the asshole chefs that just yell at you because your shoelace is tied wrong.) But, it was a little uncharacteristic of him. He told me to get “about a gallon of water,” he didn’t tell me what it was for or anything. So looking around the room for anything larger than a gallon, I ask him “what would you like me to put it in?” He said something like, ” I don’t care, stick it in your hat, in your pockets.” So I just grabbed the biggest bowl and started measuring a gallon from the quart measuring cups. He yells at me again, “you don’t need to measure.” Again, he didn’t tell me what it was for. I then find out it was to fill the proof box (big contraption where one would proof doughs). I felt like I was measuring water to put into the ice trays. (I guess would be the equiv.) But still, I had no idea what the water was for, so I don’t think what I did was wrong. =P… Remember this was before 7AM, before class even started. Way to start the morning off.

Everyone knows Adam is a picky eater. However, me being in a new career track I’d like to keep a more open mind; to a certain extent of course. The first plate from the culinary class couldn’t have been worse. Take all of the things Adam likes least and stick it on a plate, make it look pretty, and that’s what they brought in. I can’t exactly recall what it was, but I know it consisted of portabello mushrooms and bell peppers. Later, there was a gathering in the banquet room of German food. I had to take a look. And I think you’d all be proud that dispite playing a little Fear Factor, Adam ate rabbit! YES, I said rabbit. Some might think I’m crazy, rabbit is nothing. But if you know Adam, you know I used to never eat anything out of the ”Adam ordinary.” So, yeah, that was my day.

Speaking of rabbits, we (my lab partner and I) managed to pull a rabbit out or our hats. Dispite our puff pastry dough completely disappearing we managed to get all of our required pastries out. We borrowed some dough while making another batch, so it was a little cheating. The end results were pretty snazzy looking. It’s a little fuzzy looking but it’s a big bear claw and the fruit filled ones are puff pastry diamonds. I brought theses babies to my mom’s work shortly after school as they’d be freshest then, they disappeared quickly.

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