Baked Alaska Behive [Pics]

Today, we made one of the hardest things I’ve had to do yet. I guess the process was not too hard, it was just the timing and execution. Below are pictures of the Baked Alaska Behives I made. The complicated thing is, when you make fresh ice cream (Yes, fresh. Not the crap with all the preservatives.) it won’t last long in room temperature ~70°, then you have to quickly pipe the meringue behive around the ice cream, dust powdered sugar on top, then brown the top. Most of the class had a problem with plating the desserts before the ice cream melted. Luckly, I got a few pictures in before it melted. Check out the closeup of the marzipan bee. I decided to close its eyes (kinda hard to see in the pictures), I thought it looked better.

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