Let me start with something that wasn’t today, but last week sometime and I’ve been too lazy to type it up… Below is my Ruby Pears with Verbena Bavarois. On top is a tuile paste ”Symphony of Circles.” I hope you like bird. I took the design from the book, but drew it freehand in chocolate.

So, today was the Cake, Plate and Buffet Decoration Final, and if you read the previous post you’ll know it was a pretty tough day for me. I totally lost my head. I forgot my phone, wallet, apron, I didn’t shave, I had my earring still in. I’m sure I had bags under my eyes. Ugh, I was a mess. Luckly, I didn’t let it phase me in my practical final, I hope =) Today, we were to do things that were done yesterday all over again, but this time it counted… We were to prepare a liqueur souffl