
I know I’ve been MIA for a long while, I just haven’t had anything really worthwhile to write about… I guess I’ll just add it all together and make a REALLY long blog entry.

It’s been a while since I graduated from the Professional Culinary School. I struggled and struggled to find my place. I started to work for the coffee shop around the corner from my house where my brother works and my parents frequent. I made breakfast there, mostly breakfast sandwiches, burritos, and omlets… All things which contain 1-3 eggs. It wasn’t much, but I liked doing it. Too bad tomorrow is my last official day there. Why? …

Last Thusday I staged at Google and they were impressed with how I worked in the kitchen that, despite my lack of experience in a working kitchen, they offered me a position there. I will start working there this coming Tuesday… it isn’t GREAT pay, but I’m really happy to finally start working in my field… The hours aren’t bad either! 11-7:30, not too early, but I still have some evening to myself. And just like my old desk jobs, I’ll get weekends off too! It’s hard to ask for more. Because of this change in my career, I’ll be updating this part a lot.

I no longer play hockey (temporarily) since my Misfits team has folded. But ,since I finally have a job and know my hours, I may try to find a team late in the season. I really have to start playing again. I need to lose even more weight.

I know this sounds weird, but I think in the past year I’ve lost something around 30 pounds. Scary thought. I guess eating right and excersizing is the ONLY way to lose weight after all, /sarcasm. FYI, I never bought into the whole diet thing, or do one type of exercise, or take a pill ”and the pounds will melt away” sort of thing… But, I never really did much… But, it is a thing that has been in the back of my mind that I know I have to do… I’ll quote my brother, (in case you don’t know, he just graduated from CCA under their culinary program, and is currently externing at Alexander’s Steakhouse in Cupertino) ”’never trust a skinny chef’ screw that i quit then.” Funny kid.

So, that’s me, stay tuned for more.

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