Ok, so none of you f’kers bought into my idea of working out this year and add me to a Nike+ challenge. Ok, yes, you need a iPod Nano and the Nike+ doohickey, but you don’t need to buy the shoes. Interested yet? I just saved you $50-100!
So, anyway, last week I broke my trouble spot of 2 miles, and today I hit over 3 miles. This may seem like not such a big deal to you. But, for me it’s HUGE. I hate running, but since aquiring Nike+iPod I can enjoy running more, especially on a different level; my tech side. I’m a computer nerd at heart and this really adds to my nerdiness. So, I guessed I’d drop this within a month, well I’m gonna hit that month mark soon, and it doesn’t look like I’ll be stopping anytime soon. I gotta hit those stats hard!
Author: dUm
Nike+ and Addictions [Link]
Um, so, does anyone else have Nike+ so I can add them to my list, or am I the only loser? LOL. God, I love stupid technology…
So, it’s no secret that I am highly susceptible to addiction. No, I
So, in case you haven’t heard or figured it out, I’m at EA again testing games. No, I don’t need to hear another, “you spent how much on school, and you’re doing what?” I’ve heard it all. No, I haven’t completely abandoned the idea. But, right now I could really use the money more than the passion of an art.
A little scary, the past two mornings (today and yesterday), I believe, a bike went down on 101N creating the traffic I have to endure from Saratoga to Redwood City. I can’t confirm monday, but there was a yellow bike standing on the side of the right shoulder without an owner. Today was a silver Yamaha, I think an R6, on its side next to the left shoulder… perhaps I shouldn’t ride to work yet. HA.
So, we have a new addition to the family, other than the fact that my sister is moving back home, but she’s also bringing home a friend. Her name is Honey and I believe she’s a little havanese baby. I’m not a big dog lover, but it’s hard to push away the little thing. Anyway, come see it, it’s so duk-yee!
Buy Me List [Links]
Subtle upgrade to my server cluster: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2573837&Sku=L12-1090%20OEM

I suppose I should just put this up for everyone to see: Click for long list with links.
Last Post
I thought about my last post and I’m not sure that would be the correct image to put on a motorcycle helmet. On the helmet is a Stormtrooper, however, it SHOULD be a Scouttrooper helmet. Oh well, I like the Stormtrooper helmet anyway…
Stormtrooper Helmet
Holy crap. For xmas and my birthday I want THIS!!!!!!!!

There isn’t a store to buy this, I’m sure it was a custom job. But I don’t care how, I want this!
Save The Cheerleader!
Save the world!
I’m not sure if it’s just me or something, but I find it a new low in your life when your ecstatic that you’re place of employment got cleaning/sanitizing soap in…
Google Update
Hrm, because I haven’t written anything in a long while maybe I’ll just throw some tidbits out. So yeah, my first day at Google, I did what I never thought I’d be doing in a kitchen. I chopped chopsticks in half. Wow, I spent $20k to cut chopsticks in half LOL! Yeah, that’s what my externship consisted of… So, due to an injury and lack of experience, I am leaving Google to search for employment in any field. If anyone know of any opennings feel free to submit my resume, HA.