
I know I’ve been MIA for a long while, I just haven’t had anything really worthwhile to write about… I guess I’ll just add it all together and make a REALLY long blog entry.

It’s been a while since I graduated from the Professional Culinary School. I struggled and struggled to find my place. I started to work for the coffee shop around the corner from my house where my brother works and my parents frequent. I made breakfast there, mostly breakfast sandwiches, burritos, and omlets… All things which contain 1-3 eggs. It wasn’t much, but I liked doing it. Too bad tomorrow is my last official day there. Why? …

Last Thusday I staged at Google and they were impressed with how I worked in the kitchen that, despite my lack of experience in a working kitchen, they offered me a position there. I will start working there this coming Tuesday… it isn’t GREAT pay, but I’m really happy to finally start working in my field… The hours aren’t bad either! 11-7:30, not too early, but I still have some evening to myself. And just like my old desk jobs, I’ll get weekends off too! It’s hard to ask for more. Because of this change in my career, I’ll be updating this part a lot.

I no longer play hockey (temporarily) since my Misfits team has folded. But ,since I finally have a job and know my hours, I may try to find a team late in the season. I really have to start playing again. I need to lose even more weight.

I know this sounds weird, but I think in the past year I’ve lost something around 30 pounds. Scary thought. I guess eating right and excersizing is the ONLY way to lose weight after all, /sarcasm. FYI, I never bought into the whole diet thing, or do one type of exercise, or take a pill ”and the pounds will melt away” sort of thing… But, I never really did much… But, it is a thing that has been in the back of my mind that I know I have to do… I’ll quote my brother, (in case you don’t know, he just graduated from CCA under their culinary program, and is currently externing at Alexander’s Steakhouse in Cupertino) ”’never trust a skinny chef’ screw that i quit then.” Funny kid.

So, that’s me, stay tuned for more.

I’m not sure if anyone cares, but I finally moved from being a mirror to its own hosted domain. It’s now my online portfolio/resume. Please tell me what you think I could add or change to make it more appealing, of if it’s fine the way it is. I decided that my Adam Wonka picture wasn’t appropriate for the splash picture. Although, it would be funny if the hopefull employer also found it funny.


So, here’s a little story about my short experience in the restaurant world. It’s not for everyone, including me. At least not this early in my career. I thought I could handle it, but standing for 14 hours a day took a toll on my body and mind. Although, it may just seem like an excuse, it wasn’t the only reason why I left. Sure, people have it much harder, I just don’t think I’m ready for all of that yet.

I know I’ve disappointed a lot of people in making my decision. But, given the circumstance, it was in my best interest that I leave. No, it wasn’t just the standing for the whole day that got to me, although it was a part of it. I even changed shoes several times during the week.

For starters, I didn’t feel I was useful enough to make a difference there. Sometimes, I felt that I was in the way. Chef said I was in the top three in my class, but I think anyone could do what I was doing at the restaurant. I strained just to make enough product to make it to the end of the service, and cut it a little too close.

We didn’t have a head pastry chef, but some how people looked to me for answers, answers I don’t know if I was qualified to answer. It would be more of a guess than an answer. I don’t like lying to people, and guessing is pretty close.

I’m not sure how to explain how everything has affected me, just that at this point in time I think I’m over my head in the restaurant business. I’m probably not as strong as people think I am… I apologize to everyone I have affected in my decision, mostly Vanessa. Vanessa you’re the greatest.

Perhaps I’ll add more when I have a chance to be less emotional.

MARS [Vid]

I’m addicted to Asian Dramas again, thanks a lot everyone… HA here’s my current drama: Mars. It’s about a, that’s right, motorcycle racer. He’s a popular guy, and after being promiscuous he tries to win affections with a very shy girl. Does he get the girl? Will she change is promiscuous ways? Does he get hurt racing? I don’t even know yet. But, just watching the series little things are thrown in piece by piece making you want to continue watching.

Other GREAT dramas to watch: Full House (not the one with Uncle Jessy), My Lovely Sam-Soon (My Name is Kim Sam-Soon) (She’s a pastry chef!), and lastly Autumn in My Heart (it’s really sad). Start watching! Youtube is your friend LOL.

Waste of Money?

j/k But does anyone else think I could have used 6 months and $20k better?

Hrm, this is all I could come up with, a Cocoa Crispy Treat? Money well spent. I’m sure my parents are glad they didn’t spend a dime on my tuition…

A New Beginning

So, school is over, now it’s time to find a job. Yesterday I came back from my VERY short trip to Las Vegas. I was there just for an interview, but I feared it was just an appointment to talk about my application, and I was correct. I won’t hear anything for another two to three weeks. Kinda lame. So, I’ll be applying to things here at home. I know I’ll disappoint a lot of people if I don’t go to Vegas to work. But, they way I see it, things happen for a reason. I may not have my dream job yet, but as I was told, Vegas isn’t going anywhere. Just hope me all the best.

Coming to a Close

One more day left, I can’t believe it… What I can’t believe is how much I totally f’ed up today. So, the story goes, I’m ahead of my schedule, got everything I wanted done. I finally got my cheesecake out of the oven and into the freezer, I look at my desk… F*CK! I forgot the sour cream, on a FINAL!… I couldn’t do anything but tell Chef and redo it. We were allowed to stay an extra hour, but I was pissed ’cause I could have used the time to do more. Chef said all that would happen is that it wouldn’t be as moist, but I had to have it perfect and ended up redoing it. I redid it even though I’m not sure how that little amount (5oz) of sour cream would affect it, but as Dylan said, ”Better safe than sorry.” However, we tasted it, and it was still pretty damn good. Oh well, more cheesecake for me tomorrow… Well, time to rest for part two tomorrow. FINAL DAY!

Adam Wonka [Pic]

In case you’re not privileged enough to be on my Myspace (don’t despair, I don’t really add people, it’s mostly for school people), here is my Myspace default photo of the moment.

You can call me Adam Wonka.

I’ve even added the ”Pure Imagination” song on my profile LOL. I manage to get that song stuck a few peoples’ heads every day, so fun.

It’s still a mind blow that I only have two more days of school left. I’ll be soooo lost without school. I have many questions that must be answered fairly soon… Is Vegas really for me? Am I going to be sitting there thinking to myself, what am I getting myself into? Will I have time to have fun there? Will anyone really miss me? There’s a joke at school that everyones going to be sitting in their car, or at home, listening to the radio and one of the many songs we sing in class will play and they will start crying, ”I miss Adam and Robert!!!” Too funny… Gosh, I hope I at least have Internet there…

Cake, Plate and Buffet Decoration Final [Pics]

Let me start with something that wasn’t today, but last week sometime and I’ve been too lazy to type it up… Below is my Ruby Pears with Verbena Bavarois. On top is a tuile paste ”Symphony of Circles.” I hope you like bird. I took the design from the book, but drew it freehand in chocolate.

So, today was the Cake, Plate and Buffet Decoration Final, and if you read the previous post you’ll know it was a pretty tough day for me. I totally lost my head. I forgot my phone, wallet, apron, I didn’t shave, I had my earring still in. I’m sure I had bags under my eyes. Ugh, I was a mess. Luckly, I didn’t let it phase me in my practical final, I hope =) Today, we were to do things that were done yesterday all over again, but this time it counted… We were to prepare a liqueur souffl