New Bike Pics [Pics]

So it’s been about 200 miles already, almost broke in the engine. Maybe it’s better to play it safe and wait 500miles or so before I twist the throttle hard. I’m comfortable going straight fast, that’s no problem. I’m scared shitless on turning with the brand new tires. I’ve already fallen once (on the F2) on brand new tires. I should be ok after 200 miles of heat cycling the tires. It’s just hard to fathom putting a brand new bike through a hard turn. I digress, less words, more pictures.

Motorcycle Accident

So, it’s that time of year when everyone is riding the motorcycles again. Not only because the weather is nicer, but add to the fact that gas prices suck like crazy. But based on those facts, there will be more bikers on the road and with more bikers on the road, there’s going to be more biker accidents. …Too bad for me, today was my day.

I leave work like any other day. Surprisingly enough I’m mello and not speeding. I’m in no hurry to get home. The carpool lane comes to a slowdown, I see a space in the lane beside me and several carspaces ahead, I get into the lane and a car swerves into the lane. I swerve further in the number two lane, but not into the 3rd lane, and the bike slides away from me. All four lanes are at a dead stop. I push the bike to the far right shoulder and assess the damage. No major bodily harm, luckily I wear my full leathers on the freeway. The whole right side of the bike is scarred, parts missing, and the heart breaker… my forks are gone for … again… This is the third time I’m going to have to replace these forks. Anyway, I thought I

Jake and Tattoos [Pic]

I just got back from the Jake Shimabukuro concert in SF, holy crap was it awesome! I don’t normally go to concerts, but Jake isn’t your ordinary artist. For those who don’t know about him, or have not read my blog, google/youtube him. He’s a great ukulele artist who has taken a little known instrument and made it fairly popular. You may have heard his rendidion of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” Many people call the ukulele a tiny guitar, please, it’s an UKE! Some of the song he played I have heard, other are on CDs I haven’t bought yet, some are on his upcoming “miniCD”.

So, I finally went and done it. I got my first tattoo. I’ve been wanting this thing for like forever. Well, I’ve wanted a dragon longer, but I wanted to start small. So, here it is:

So that’s my first one, onto the next. Now what to do…

Summer Hockey Finals

Ok, so we won the first round of the playoffs in a fast action overtime period 3 – 2 against the 3rd seeded team. However, we lost last night to the second place team ending our season. So, I guess overall we did rather well; especially considering we were the last place team for the first half of the season.

After a rocky first half, I played a rather well season; maybe even my best season at Logitech. Or at least best half a season. I managed to finish the season as top point scorer with 10 goals and 6 assists, and 9th overall in the league. Not too shabby. Just don

Hockey Sunday – Hot Afternoon

Ugh it was so HOT today, not really fun playing hockey on a hot day. Why, you ask? Wouldn’t it be great to get out of the sun into gold ice skating rink? Sure, that’s great, playing hockey is great. However, once I’m done with hockey and am really sweaty, going into the hot sun is NOT fun.

Anyway, posts here are scarce, so I’ll just pat myself on the back once in a while for a well played game. Today, like I said was a HOT afternoon, 2:30PM game. We’ll long story short, I played very well today. Got my first hat trick of the season.

The first goal was a decent wrister far-side blocker. The second one I was standing with my back to the goalie and kind of backhanded it between my legs and into the net. The third, I can’t really recall. However, I had lots of help all around me, I didn’t do al the work. It was a great team effort by all. Not only did I get my hat trick, we won the game something like 2 – 7. This feat is probably not impressive if I tell you that we played against the team we’re tied for last place with… and with another team… Either way, a well played game by all!