Irony of Kung Fu and Guns [Vid]

So last night me and two buds from kung fu from way back in the day, Chris and Kyle, are hanging out at Kyle current place of employment, Hydration, (a boba tea house sort of place) you know just chilling out there trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the night. Chris is never in town since he’s pre-med in San Diego so we had to make the most of it. I’m not sure how we decided it, but for some reason we drove to Minnis Circle in Milpitas and went to the shooting range, Target Masters, they have over there. Now, does anyone else see the irony of 3 ex-kung fu students walking into a shooting range. Just a small tidbit of knowledge for you to rack your brain over.

The first gun we shot was the Heckler-Koch USP 9mm, the second was the Sig-Sauer 232 which is the closest they had to the Walther PPK. Being only the second time there, I wasn’t expecting much, especially with a range gun. Albeit, not as good as Chris’ first grouping with the HK9 (although he WAS only 30ft out) I got a fairly good grouping at the gut. Kyle… all over the place. I think he said it was his first time, so it’s all good. We can’t all be like moO. The second round shooting with the Sig was pretty neat, it’s a tiny gun but has a recoil almost equal to the HK. My first 5 shots were awesome. 1 in the orange, the rest just outside the orange but grouped in a silver dollar, but it was at 30ft. the next 15 shots at about 45ft out. Not so good. Let

Back From Hawaii

Ok so I’m a week late. I’ve been really busy and stuff. Gotta get back in shape and lose my vacation weight. Ok, so I didn’t really eat all that much, but I only ran once while I was over there. I got a new toy while in the islands, but I’ll wait until I get a few pictures to announce it. Not that it’s a HUGE deal or anything. I did get some sun, even some rain. While in Hawaii, my Aunt and Uncle from Oahu brought the cousins over for a weekend visit. They even got to bury me in the sand. So that was my nutshell vacation. It seems the more I go to Hawaii, the more I DO NOT WANT TO COME BACK TO CALI! =(

Weekend Ride + MotoGP

Well, I finally had a nice long ride on Skyline Blvd. It’s been a while since I went up hwy9/35. I actually had a concern this week that I wouldn’t be able to go on my ride this weekend. I brought in my bike to get the fork seals done and it turns out there was a few small dents on the fork tubes. While driving back to work from the shop in San Mateo, I felt it pull to the left and when I applied the brakes it pulled HARD to the left. I was pissed the rest of the Friday. First thing when I got home was rip into the bike, I basically had to redial the front forks so it would ride straight(ER). After a few hours I managed to get it to right.

So, I finally saw Alice’s Restaurant. Me and a bud, Gordon, back from High School made it up to Four Corners but didn’t actually eat there. Probably save that for next time. This was a great weekend cause there wasn’t a lot people on the road since the AMA races were this weekend at Infineon Raceway. It was fun at one of the top of the hills all you saw was fog all around you.

So, talking with moO about if I were a motoGP racer, would she be my umbrella girl? At first she said no, but then thought about it and didn’t want another girl next to me holding the umbrella. However, she said she wouldn’t be holding the umbrella either. Instead, imagine this, I would be holding the umbrella sitting on the bike and both of us are under the umbrella, moO with a smile on her face for the cameras and me with this embarrassed frown just waiting for the race to start. Perhaps if we have some time, I

Hockey Sunday + More! [Pic]

I know I said I would stop writing here about hockey since I used to litter up my blog with only hockey stuff (since my life didn’t really have anything interesting to say) but whatever, I’ll relate this more to personal. Not to mention I’m now on a different team and can’t really post in the old Misfits section anymore because it wouldn

Back In Hockey!

Finally, after taking last season off, mostly because of money and the team folded, I found another team to play with. I’m so excited! Last night was my first game since, what, end of last summer? I had a blast!

This already seems like a great bunch. Only one game and work together fairly well. I was playing in the DD league and this new team is in a little lower league, but the play speed seems no different. It’ll be a while before I get my legs back, but hopefully not too long.

Anyway, I took first shift at my usual spot at center. A little surprising as I’m new with this team and kinda was pushed ahead with a ”go get ’em” type of feeling. I love it. I even managed to get the preseason’s first goal! Great start to a new season on a new team. Can’t wait for next week!

Playoff Beards Update [Pics]

First round is over and the Sharks are still in it! YAY. So here is my playoff beard update. Below is me standing in line at Santana Row yesterday waiting to see Giada again. Funny story, when finally getting to see her Dylan said to me ”You know you can ask her a question?” I was so star struck, I literally said to Giada, ”DUH…” How’s that for a ”Harold Moment.”

Below is one from this morning, after a night of drinks and an early-ish morning cooking for the breakfast rush. Still, you can barely notice any facial hair? Can’t wait for the end of the second round so I can check on my progress again.

Playoff Beards!

It’s that time again! Pick your favorite hockey team (It better be the Sharks) and grow out that playoff beard! Being Asian, and not really great in the facial hair department, I have decided to grow a ”playoff head.” Yes, that’s right, I’m not going to shave any hair on my head. No head hair, nose hair, ear hair, eyebrows (?)… in support for my San Jose Sharks. I’d like to see them win it this year! Hrmm… this ”playoff head” does not include shaving parts of the rest of my body, so, um… I’ll go… find something constructive to do…