Well, my first section at PCI is over. I hope I did well in the multiple choice questions. It was a little confusing. There were a few questions on things we talked about maybe once; some not at all, but it was right next to something in the book that was talked about… Can anyone tell me how many teaspoons in 1/3 cup?
I’m pretty sure I did well on the practical. As you can see in the pics in the photo album, I’d have to pat myself on the back. HA. I’d have to say the FoodNetwork saved me. In cutting the sponge cake you’d think it’s obvious on how to cut it straight, but n00b pastry chefs don’t know that sort of thing; unless they got lucky, got help, have done it at home, or watch too much TV (like me). Oh well, I tried my hardest, and I think I did rather well. Yay, me…
EA Is teH Suck!
So, in case anyone has been reading the San Jose Mercury News, or something like that, you’ll see in the Business section today, on the very top in big bold letters, ”EA plans to lay off hundreds”. While it says only 145 from Redwood City and the rest worldwide, I happen to know a few of those ill-fated ones. What really gets me is that it reads, ”We are still hiring while we are doing these layoffs.” [So, in your face!] So, that’s why I haven’t received a call back yet, not that I’d want to come back at this point in my life. In a way I’m very happy I found something I have a passion for and will attempt to make it my livelyhood. But, on the other hand, I wish all who was effected good luck to whatever path they decide on taking. It’s a real shame too, because EA is the biggest video game producer in America (I believe… or at least that’s what they kept telling us in the lame meetings I never went to…). I know many people who wouldn’t want to work anywhere else. Anyway, GL guys… (and girls, though I don’t know any effected but I’m sure there were…) … I digress, good luck!
Out Of The States
So, Thursday the whole family is going to the airport and flying to Europe… Let me rephrase that. The whole family, but me, is going to the airport and flying to Europe. My dad’s cousin has an art thing in Italy, and my family is going to go see it, and of course I can’t go. Sure, everyone else took time off from work and school. But, right now, I can’t sacrifice that sort of time. It’s about 3 days off I’d have to take off. Actually, it wouldn’t work out anyway, I think my final is Thursday. Man, and I wanted so much to go too.
There’s only a handfull of places I’d like to go in my life time, Italy being one. I must go to Italy to see if I really do like the food, since if I were to ever go into culinary like my brother (unlikely), I’d want to be Iron Chef Italian, like Kobe! I’d want to go to France, mostly for the food too, but it’d be closer to my new future forte, baking and pastries. The Netherlands, ’cause it’s half home (and the Red Light District, j/k ha). I’d want to go to HK, or somewhere in China or Taiwan, just because. And probably Japan and Korea. So, who wants to take some time off and go travel with me after I graduate? Heh… …I suppose I’ll have to wait until I retire.
Ugh, My Neck Still Hurts…
So, this Saturday I had hockey and I thought we played well. Too bad we didn’t convert the game for 2 points. Anyway, during the game I was crossedchecked high, fell back snapped my neck, and bruised both elbows. What sucks the most, I have a game today and I’m thinking I shouldn’t play in fear of making it worse. Maybe I’ll dress and warm up like the pros do (heh), then sit on the bench. Bah, I hate being ”day-to-day.”
Hat Trick [Link] [Edit]
AH! I finally found the definition to ”Hat Trick”… I know I’ve talked about it in the past and really haven’t given an explanation. But, then during the Sharks game today the commentators talked about the origin of the term. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear what it was, as I was on the phone. So, a quick Google for keywords I DID hear and I get my results I was looking for. So here, I give you the hat trick. I <3 wikipedia... Edit: 1/29 1:37AM ::: Let me rephrase. Duh, I know WHAT a ”Hat Trick” is with hockey. I just never knew where it came from, the phrase’s origin if you will… So, there. =P
A Bit of Nostalgia [Pics]
As seen on my Friendster…
Ah, the good old days.

Odd Random Spam Email
Here’s and email I just received. I’m not sure what to make of it, LOL.
Hi, mail.
I hypnotizing of clinging a restaurant? the table is scoundrel / She chagrined was branched of addressed it quick blared / Me entrusting traveler’ is reddishhaired of sickening a tribe A departments the performances plane it fresh she creeps / You throat of agricultural the agreement and freezing or helmets / Not freshwater you landed and remember me pledging precautions / No touching is crop this ager of illustrates the downpour / If intermission we surged of consisted a forms is broad / An dislocated me sharpers you oppressive she drilling priests? / Have malarial appointing of zwei it expressions was stocky / Was clacking not responsibility hoary a mobile or drawingroom / And tenderness unwomanly is hearing of solid an milder —
Best Regards,
Beard Randell
Speaking of weird… Has anyone taken a section of text, doesn’t matter where, spit it through something like babelfish into a different language like Japanese, send it through back into English and read what you’ve got? Try it, it’s funny sometimes.
So Close [Link]
ARG, I watched So Close a few nights ago, (My Aunt gave it to me for xmas, she’s smart it was on my Amazon wishlist.) I knew it was a good movie which is why I wanted it so bad. But I think I just got pissed off at the TV because I realized why I hated the movie so much. Ok, not the movie, I loved the movie (except the end, but whatever), but I HATE the audio tracks!!! It really bugs me when there are multiple languages in movies but the dubbing only uses one language or another. What bugs me further is they, for whatever reason, kept the english tracks with the ”foreign” language (I suppose it’s native, whatever). One step further? There’s both Cantonese AND Mandarin audio tracks. So, why can’t I watch the movie in the movie’s original language track. It may be a little confusing, but I don’t care, I usually like listening to the actors’ voices. Although dubbing Shu Qi may be ok sometimes, har… she’s a bit whiney sometimes, sorry.
So, what is Adam bitching about now? OK, here’s the whole story: Shu Qi and Zhao Wei both are native Mandarin speakers (although I know Shu Qi can speak Cantonese, Gorgeous), Karen Mok is a native Cantonese speaker, I know there’s a few Japanese and English speaking parts thrown in (including an actor who also starred in a Jet Li film, Yasuaki Kurata in Fist of Legend, which I have ONLY found in English. But, that’s a different bitching). So why must I listen to an all Cantonese, or all Mandarin (All English and French too) Audio track. How about a track with the original languages? I don’t think it’s THAT hard… Sure I speak only English, with a below 1st grader’s level of Cantonese (If that), but I’d still like to have that option. Hrm maybe I can hack the DVD and reburn it to have the correct tracks, ugh, now THAT seems like a pain in the ass.
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Culinary Survival
So, I managed to survive the first week of school. Also the one week I dreaded since signing up, the ServSafe class. Unfortunately, it still isn’t over; I still have a test to ace on Tuesday. Luckily, I’ve been reading and scoring well on all the practice tests. For the most part it seems common sense things with a little added trickery. Goal? Score higher than my brother… HAR.
Adam Mugshot, Remember This Mug [Pics]

Remember this picture. Why? Because for at least 6 months you probably will not see this face again. I may be wrong, but just a FYI. What am I talking about? I started PCI today and they have a strict dress code. We’ll see how much I can get away with. Curious to see how I look now? Click [More] below…
God, I suck at taking pictures… …Still need a hint? How about I tell you. PCI says I must be clean shaven, due to health regulations. However, I think I could have gotten away with what I had. We’ll see if I can slip it in later in the courses. But me being Asian, my facial hair doesn’t grow too fast, so slipping it in is more of a 2 month process to get it where it was before LOL.
Do I look young again? Can I pass as under 21? Hrm, I think I passed as under 21 before… But at least I still look older than my brother. …It’s the eyes. All the wisdom…
We’ll it’s started. First up, ServSafe; then I think next week, we start real cooking/baking! Wish me luck. I WILL miss tech… š Too bad tech won’t miss me.
Have I mentioned how much I hate it when people ask me if I’m copying my brother in going to a culinary school? 1. No, since high school I’ve wanted to go. 2. I’m doing the Baking and Pastry program, he’s doing the full Culinary program. So there, /rude.
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