Sharks Hockey

Went to my annual Sharks v. Ducks game today. Sharks completely stomped on the Ducks, as opposed to what happened last Sunday. I got to witness Cheechoo’s first career Hat Trick! What an awesome game. I also saw Drew Remenda! Hehe, that goes up there with my sighting of Tony Hawk. Funny thing, I finally ran into someone I knew, at a Sharks game. That’s never happened before. I saw Ken from my hockey team there. Also, Eric from hockey WAAAAY back, who’s around my brother’s age was on the Jumbotron or whatever its called. He was wearing a Duck’s jersey and everyone boo’ed. LOL. I could’ve sworn I saw Darryl there, but I’m not sure. Um that’s about it, heh. That is, until Dec 30th; where I’ll wear my Avalanche jersey! =P

The Long Wait…

Yesterday, I was called by my contact from PCI. I was getting a little worried, since I didn’t get an answer a few days from when I dropped off my paperwork. Finally, I got my phone call. I was accepted! How all I have to do is find the money, sign the final paperwork, and get fitted for my chef jacket and come January I’ll be ready!

So, if you’re around the Bay Area (Milpitas), come stop by and wish me a big congrats at Dave and Busters, where I’ll also be celebrating my birthday late.


After a little over a year, I believe my Jedi career in SWG is over as of Dec 8th. Thank you SOE/LA for screwing up one of the best MMORPG (maybe even best game) for many people. Check out this undoctored screenshot of the server load. Funny how much a huge change can really piss people off.

School, Waiting Game

So, today, I turned all of my info in, and all of my apps and paperwork is in their hands. All I can do is wait and hope I get accepted. /crossfingers, please do the same! Thanks! I hope to hear good news from them by the end of this week!


Ok, so who hasn’t seen the video? Ok, so, many people haven’t but basically it was some dude playing World of Warcraft (WoW) and he gets the whole guild (or group killed)… This is nothing new, I used to do it all the time in EQ years before. We just didn’t have Fraps back then, or at least I didn’t. So here’s the original movie. Here is a link to a video I got on the SWG froums from a good friend. Basically, it’s a link of a college edition of Jeopardy where the answer was stated, and all they displayed were blank faces.

Entry Exam

OK, so, last weekend I went to the open house and applied for school, and today I took their entry exam. The test was just simple math and English. You seriously have to not gone past Jr. High to completely fail this test. However, I think I’ve been watching too much Star Wars, because in many of the English part I had to double think myself, ”Does ‘To the store, we will go,’ or ‘Pick up milk, I will’ make sense? Yeah I think it does.” I almost wanted to say the wrong answer on purpose, but didn’t to look like an idiot. I found my self laugh a little quietly when I was taking the test, the other people taking the test was probably wondering WTF I was laughing at. Oh well, I get the results maybe Friday, cross your fingers for me. But, it isn’t my only thing holding me back from getting accepted. Cross your fingers either way!