Riding Late

Last night from about 8:21PM, I went riding with Ronny. We went all over the place, to moO’s house, all around Saratoga, Big Basin, Lawrence Expressway, De Anza. I managed to run out of gas, then for some reason my battery died and we had to push start it.

At 9:58 PM Ronny called up a couple people and we met up at a house, where we met up with three of his friends. Little did we know they were going to take us up highway 9 to Skyline. All of us were still really new at riding, in addition to the fact that it was already late, we took it fairly slow. I took up the rear since I’ve had my license the longest and so I could make sure Ronny was ok since he’s the newest.

I wish I had a good night time camera or even a camcorder, I would love a video of the events, and a good picture of the view of Skyline. We came down from Skyline by way of Page Mill Road. Ugh, there’s so many stupid potholes in the beginning of that street. Then we took Ronny on his first freeway ride. LOL, I bet he was sh*tting bricks. I wasn’t so lucky and I went on my first freeway ride by myself, at night, when there were still a few cars our. HA! This was at 12:30ish with a group.

All in all, it was a great ride, it was nice to have someone and a group to ride with. It’s not as fun alone, I like riding, alone is ok if I have to. But, yeah more is better. The one thing I have to bitch about during the Skyline run, it was f’ing COLD… going an average of, say, 45 mph the wind hitting my head and legs was like ice. I shoulda worn my leather pants + sweatpants HA. Maybe next time. Althoughit was freezing, it was completly outweighed by how much fun I had. …Thehe craziest thing about the whole night, other than it lasted until 1AM… I had a final this morning from 7am-Noon!!! (more on that later) Oh man I was a zombie this morning, more than usual. But, DAMN, was it worth it!

Plates… [Pics]

Wedding cake final is over, we’re concentrating now on Advanced/Buffet Plating. Below is the Asian Pear Tart with some sort of a Honey Scented Pear Fozen Yogurt. YUM.

Next, are a couple sugar spiders. I must say our spiders came out the best of the class. HAR! On top of the sugar spiders is a Creme Caramel. Der-ish!

And, finally for today, is my Cappuccino Mousse in a Chocolate Teacup. It’s easier than you think. But, I won’t reveal the secret. =P

Wedding Cakes [Links] [Pics]

I’m sorry, I’ve been really MIA… I’ve been a little busy to do… anything. The final in this section was a 3 tier wedding cake. Some actually consider the wedding cake our REAL final, but we have a comprehensive final the last week or something at the end. However, it did feel like a real final. We had a total of 4 days to design, build, finish a wedding cake. I have to say, it was HIGH stress project. How high stress? I’m not sure how to explain it. Well for me at least, I was stressing on my poor time management skills. moO can back me with this one… However, we were allowed to spend time in the classroom afterhours. How many hours? Well, here was my schedule: Mon: off (Memorial Day, LOL), Tue: 7AM-6PM, Wed: 6AM-5PM, Thur: 7AM-10PM, Fri: 7AM-1PM. No, I’m not lying. Yes, I do hurt, LOL. I should get used to crappy hours and a lot of standing… Suck it up, Adam. You’re not in tech + computers anymore…

Pictures do NOT do my cake justice. One should really go see it in person at the school… My school, PCI, is located at 700 West Hamilton Avenue, Suite 300, Campbell, California 95008. It’s in one of the display cases. Just go up the elevator to the 3rd floor and it’ll be right there on the right corner. What are you looking at? GO!

I’ll update this thread with pictures soon. In the meantime here are some pictures of cakes and cookies… Below are pictures of a Raspberry Cake and an assortment of cookies, from left to right: Checkerboard, Hamentaschen (like a apricot filled shortdough cookie), 3 Sisters (short dough and jam in the middle. the 3 sisters are the three holes where the jam peaks out.), marble cookies, Triple Chocolate Indulgence Cookies… Absent the day of pictures: Opera Cake, Strawberry Hearts, Madeleines, White Chocolate-Pecan Brownies, and Brandy Pretzels.

Edit: 6/4/2006 3:04PM Ok, so, if you are in the area and haven’t gone to see my cakes yet, shame on you! LOL… No, seriously… I just hope the pieces of my cake haven’t melted so badly it looks like crap… So, behold the unveiling of my wedding cake… After ~43 hours in 4 days I give you:

Somehow This one slipped by me. Below is my taster cake. Since Chef won’t be tasting our large wedding cakes that will be on display for a month (or until it gets disgusting) we were to make a seperate taster cake.

R.I.P. Ellen Kim

Barely lived a life, at 24, this girl had struggles. Battling cancer from the age of 21, I was told she was getting better. She was even accepted to UCLA, but sadly never got to go. During one of the eulogy, a friend of hers mentioned that she joined the wrestling team. It brought a small smile to my face that I tried to hide, because I remember that very well.

I can’t remember how long I’ve known her, but as my sister’s friend, she was like part of our family. Now she’s gone, no longer suffering. You’ll always be in our hearts, Ellen. <3

ADVANCED Cakes [Pics]

The new section brings the Advanced Cakes, Cookies, and Advanced Plating section. It’ll be interesting because the final is the dreaded wedding cake. Will Adam be successfull in the execution of the wedding cake? I hope so.

Below is a Black Currant Cake made with… black currant. It has a nice short dough cookie bottom and mirror glaze on top. It’s tasty!

Next is the Frangelico Mousse Cake, I don’t know what it is, but it’s pretty. I think frangelico is some sort of liqueur, but I’ve never had it. You might notice the chocolate dome in the center, it’s the start of the odd looking cakes. I just can’t wait until we do the puzzle cake.

Next is the Strawberry Bagatelle, the third cake of the gelatin set cakes. This one is an yellow almond sponge on bottom then a vanilla bean lemon verbena bavarian cream filling (sans the lemon verbena) and of course strawberries inside! All is topped with a green marzipan and I added a marzipan rope heart and yes, those are MY marzipan roses. I’m getting quite good with roses. I can’t wait to get into some sugar pulling extra class!

The Lake House [Link]

Who else thinks America is devoid of any type of originality, creativity or whatever. Why must Hollywood REMAKE Asian films. They say imitation is the best flattery, why not just get the rights and import the film?! I rant because my mom showed me The Lake House, and it’s a direct redo of one of my favorite Korean movies ”Il Mare.”

I wonder how Hollywood will mess this one up. OH, they already have! Keanu? Anyone see the ”Matrix”? ”Whoa!” What about ”Bill and Ted…” ”Whoa” I can even remember a commercial for a cable airing of the ”Matrix” where they cut pieces of where he was talking to the Oracle and it made him sound completely… brain deficient. The guy just can’t act…

I’m sorry, but I feel this is an insult to the original ”Il Mare.” Why must America pick up Asian (any of them) movies and redo them. Get the rights to the original subtitle (yes, subtitle. I hate listening to the crappy English voice acting) it and send it to the theaters. Don’t change/add anything. If America doesn’t like it, oh well, you didn’t pay multiple millions of dollars for high priced Hollywood stars and you just reaffirm that America is stupid when it comes to GOOD movies. Hollywood with the ”blow it up it’ll sell” attitude, it’s no surprise.

My opinion, go pick up Il Mare. If nothing else, during the movie you won’t think of a speeding bus or ”Whoa”. Stop making American versions of GREAT Asian films and get some creativity.


Dat Phan [Link]

Holy shit! I’ve been sending everyone this video of Dat Phan, a pretty funny Vietnamese comedian who was first found in ”Last Comic Standing.” And I just saw him in the movie ”Cellular.” I’m thinking holy crap, WTF.

Carrot Cake [Pic]

Here’s a great well known cake. It’s a carrot cake, as the title implies, it contains carrots. The usual cream cheese filling, it’s topped with a thin layer of butter cream and marzipan then a marzipan carrot is placed on top. Ain’t it cute?