Baked Alaska Behive [Pics]

Today, we made one of the hardest things I’ve had to do yet. I guess the process was not too hard, it was just the timing and execution. Below are pictures of the Baked Alaska Behives I made. The complicated thing is, when you make fresh ice cream (Yes, fresh. Not the crap with all the preservatives.) it won’t last long in room temperature ~70°, then you have to quickly pipe the meringue behive around the ice cream, dust powdered sugar on top, then brown the top. Most of the class had a problem with plating the desserts before the ice cream melted. Luckly, I got a few pictures in before it melted. Check out the closeup of the marzipan bee. I decided to close its eyes (kinda hard to see in the pictures), I thought it looked better.

Rice Pudding [Pics]

I’m no photographer, so stop nagging me about the quality of my shots. =P

OK, for starters, I didn’t make this, my old partner did. Isn’t she so talented? Or lucky, HA. What does it look like to you? Rorschach would be proud, LOL. This is easily made with sweet condensed milk and flour. Simple enough recipe but an effective garnish. Especially for the following project.

Above is my rendition of Jasmine Rice Pudding with Coconut Milk and Caramelized Coconut Chips. Actually, I such a hectic Monday, that I didn’t even have the chance to taste this one. We ran out of the blueberry sauce that we had to make our own, and that stopped us from finishing on time. Very sexy…

Plating and TV Crew [Pics]

Today a camera crew came to film the school. So, I may be on TV soon! I’ll post when it’s on. No, it’s not a feature on me, at least not yet. I’m sure I’ll have my own show soon =). Today, we started plating desserts. Not a single fingerprint can be on the plate, and it MUST look perfect. This’ll be interesting, since everyone knows Adam is not a neat and clean guy. LOL

Here are my first attempts at plating desserts. The sauce was sitting around the kitchen so it warmed up, and that’s why the circles ran together. So, this is a Chocolate Mousse in a Florentina Cup with Cocoa Nibs, caramel sauce, mango slices and mint. I know the flavors are all over the place, but damn, ain’t it sexy?

Above is a Brandy Bread and Butter Pudding with brandy-flavored whipped cream, a Vanilla Tuile Paste Cookie Tumbleweed, and raspberry sauce. I’m not a huge fan of bread pudding, I really like buttered toast though. So I gave this thing a try and it is quite tasty. Plus, you can’t go wrong with some alcohol in your pastry. =) Enjoy!

Cheesecake [Pics]

So, we’re starting our cakes and plated desserts section. This is gonna be interesting. I totally suck at piping things. I’m gonna need lots of practice.

Above is a Chevre Cheesecake made with goat milk cheese and creamcheese with a layer of sour cream, vanilla bean seeds and sugar mixture with a graham cracker crust. YUM!

This one is a Marbled Cheesecake with Quark Cheese, but I believe we replaced the quark (since it’s a hard to find item) with cottage cheese. Yes, that’s a chocolate marble. Double yum!

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I’m actually sick of this rain. I usually like rain, but I’d like to see some sunshine soon. I can’t ride my bike!!! Well, I can, but I’d get rained on and I wouldn’t want to get rain spots on my nice pretty new jacket that I’ve had for a year LOL. BAH.

Finals = YUM! [Pics]

Ok, I should be posting every day, but I’m so tired after class and I don’t always have my USB cord for my camera to upload it to my computer and then to my server. So, every so often will be ok HA.

Above is a Pithivier. It’s another thing that I like to day just randomly during the day. My word used to be ”prosciutto” or ”pancetta.” Pithivier sounds more fun, there’s something about the French lanugage. But, if you’ve heard it, you know what I mean. The Pithivier is a fairly simple puff pastry with a frangipane/pastry cream/rum filling. The trick is to roll the puff pastry thin enough so you fully bake the pastry. I didn’t quite succeed in this. Lately, I’ve had some under done things. I’ve been afraid of OVERcooking things, lol.
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Pretty Oranges [Pics]

I gave Shia a sneak peak ’cause I’m such a nice guy. LOL. However, seeing all of my creations in person is SOOO much better. Even so, seeing it in person one may overlook the tiny details put in some of the work. Case in point, my next delight.

It looks like a simple cake with some decorations on it. It is, sorta! But I like the tiny and very subtle detail that was put on the oranges. It’s really hard to see, but the oranges have tiny dimples like their larger, real counterparts. But, how can a simple ball of marzipan turn into a tiny orange? Sorry, trade secrets =P But it looks pretty huh, heh.