2005 Birthday/Xmas Gift Ideas

Hard time finding what to get Adam for his birthday or Christmas; or maybe even Chanukah …or Hanukkah? Well, look no further because I can help you! Check out my Amazon List. But, if you buy anything from amazon use THIS LINK instead.

I would really like a Stoormtrooper helmet or the whole set! Another good eBay item: Graflex 3-cell camera part would be nice!

Nothing there? Just about anything from Master Replicas is nice. Well, not the scale mini lightsabers. I’d rather have a full size =).

NEW Something I’d want RIGHT AWAY, since it’s gonna be cold soon, from my favorite Bay Area store Too bad they’re all the way in Redwood City LOL… Or this long sleeve shirt It’s probably better to just drive down there rather than ship it. Warning, it’s not open on Sunday. Oh, probably LARGE would be best bet.

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NHL is BACK!!!

After the long hiatus of the NHL last year, all the teams are back and ready for action. New rules, new rosters, it’s a whole new sport! They took away the red lines, shrunk the neutral zone, took away the corners for goalies, no more shooting the puck out of bounds, NO more ties!

Wed night I went to the Sharks Home Opener at the Tank. What a game! They stomped on the Blue Jackets with 4 unanswered goals in the first and second periods, but let them have one in the third. Plenty of penalties handed out, its hockey! No big fights tho, that was a shame.

They gave away TWO things this game. Before the game they passed out a mini replica Division Champs banner, and after the game a mini replica Stanley Cup.

Adam MIA, Again

So, most people say blogging is so year 1999, or whatever. I don’t care, I like doing this when I have the time, or having something to actually say; not for anyone else, but for myself. But, if you’re actually wondering where Adam is, you can probably check out this link. Yes, I’m a big dork.

Dave & Busters Ticket Games

So, I went to my favoritest place for a little gaming with Belle on Sunday. Most of the time I play ticket games, you know, where you win tickets. (I don’t know why either, the amount I spend on tickets I could have bought the item if I were to trade in the tickets)But, holy crap. you can win a POCKET BIKE!!! Too bad its for like 60k tickets. =( I know I don’t have the MOST tickets out of anyone, but I do have around 20k saved up, I’d have to say thats pretty impressive considering I’m poor HA! Not to mention a Gold Card, heh.

So anyway, I’m over by the ticket counter, playing a game called Casino Nights. Basically, it’s a coin game where you drop a coin in and there’s two platforms of coins, one on top moves forward and back, and the lower is static and you have to knock down the coins off the ledge to get tickets. The “Special” in this one is a die, moving back and forth in between the drop points and the top ledge, this is protecting a small “cup” that when you get 10 coins in, it drops all 10 coins to the top ledge making a “splash.” creating better odds of dropping more coins to the lower level. So, I get my 10 (or so) in the “cup” and the mechanical plastic starts to move, I see weird stuff happening and plastic bending, and I think nothing of it. Then, the big “cup” think jumps a tad then falls right onto the trays of coins. Yes, Adam broke the game. So after maybe 10 minutes or so of the employee throwing coins down off the ledge, I get a ton of tickets. Who am I to argue. Oh, don’t play that game at the Milpitas DnB. The center sensors don’t work 100% of the time anyway HA.

This is what it’s SUPPOSED to look like

This is what happened

P.S.: These pics were taken with my Treo 600, cellphone/palmPDA. Not bad, eh?

Random Post

Only ’cause I haven’t posted in a while…

I rock peas on my head but dont call me a Pea Head. Bees on my head but dont call me a Bee Head. Bruce Lee on my head but dont call me a Lee Head. Now please excuse me, I gots to get my tree fed. You wear name brands and I make my own clothing. I hang out with an apple who loves self-loathing. I hate Myself. Pancake on my face makes me extra happy. I like Shampoo bottles that sit on my lappy. ‘Cause it’s my show you can’t tell me what to do. When life hands me lemons I make Beef Stew. So yo, I gotta go, it’s time for me to rocket. I put bologna in my left pocket. Smear some cream cheese in my gold locket . ‘Cause it’s my show I’m Andy Milonakis. It’s my show I’m Schmandy Shmiloschmakis. It’s my show I’m Andy Milonakis.

Seriously, he was born in ’76 and no he isn’t the Man Show Boy IMDb

Adam MIA, Room Tracker [Link]

You’re probably wondering, ”WTF is Adam doing? I know he isn’t posting crap.” Yeah, well, I’ve been a tad busy. As you can see here, I’ve been REALY busy. I guess it woulda been better if I posted it up a while ago, let’s just say I’ve been a tad lazy too. Yes, I update it as it happens… Well, when I’m not lazy ha.


Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties and local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink by a woman.

Many females are using a date rape drug on the market..called Beer. The drug is found in liquid form and available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, from taps and in large, so-called, “kegs”.

Beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. A woman needs only to get a man to consume a few units of this Beer and then simply ask him home, for no-strings attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach.

After several of these Beers, men will often succumb to the desire to perform sexual acts on women to home they would never normally be attracted. After drinking Beer, men often wake up with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that “something bad” occurred.

At other times, these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life’s savings, in a familiar scam known as a “relationship”. In extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer-term form of servitude and punishment referred to as “marriage.” Men are particularly susceptible to this scam after Beer is administered and the predatory female offers sex.

PLEASE! Forward this warning to every male you know.

If you fall victim to this Beer and the women administering it….there are male support groups where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter with similarly affected and like-minded men. For the support group nearest to you, please look under “Golf Courses” in the phone book.