Hard time finding what to get Adam for his birthday or Christmas; or maybe even Chanukah …or Hanukkah? Well, look no further because I can help you! Check out my Amazon List. But, if you buy anything from amazon use THIS LINK instead.
I would really like a Stoormtrooper helmet or the whole set! Another good eBay item: Graflex 3-cell camera part would be nice!
Nothing there? Just about anything from Master Replicas is nice. Well, not the scale mini lightsabers. I’d rather have a full size =).
Something I’d want RIGHT AWAY, since it’s gonna be cold soon, from my favorite Bay Area store Too bad they’re all the way in Redwood City LOL… Or this long sleeve shirt It’s probably better to just drive down there rather than ship it. Warning, it’s not open on Sunday. Oh, probably LARGE would be best bet.
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