Battlefield 2 [Link] [Pic]

Hoooooraay! or Hoo-Rah! LOL. The game I worked on longest is out, and yesterday I finally picked it up. I heard that the day it was actually released they had this big deal and had an actual Huey deliver the games. I miss all the cool stuff.

Check it out, it’s me! Not just my name.

Ha, I guess I gotta go back to pwning people online!!! Like PC Games? Like FPS? Pick up BF2 today!

Bad Day

Adam is having such a friggen bad day. Yeah yeah, could be worse, stop crying. Anyway, so, I’m riding the motorcycle to Home Depot cause I need to buy a new belt sander to sand the floors of my new room (ask me about this sometime), and I decide to make a stop at Carl’s Jr. to FINALLY try one of those breakfast burger. It was exactly 10:30 when I got there and I sat at the register for a few minutes ‘ cause no one was there. But I managed to get one.

Anyway, as I pull out to go to Home Depot my bike stalls (I didn’t warm up the bike completely before taking off from my house). I keep trying to start the bike, only to kill the battery. Stupid me, I forget to bring my phone, so I’m stranded without transportation, without numbers (Yes, I don’t have a good memory when it comes to numbers, why should I my phone does it all), and it’s already getting hot at about 11AM with my leather motorcycle jacket and helmet.

So, I start walking home, and then turn around again and decide to just go to Home Depot and get what I came for. So I buy the stuff and go back to my bike to see if I could miraculously start my bike. You know if you sit long enough maybe there’ll be enough juice to start the engine? No dice, it’s dead dead… clickclickclick. Never a sound you want to hear.

So I dial 411 and find out that it is no longer free. I have no change so I go back into Carl’s and get change. I call up my mom and she comes to help me, only to find that I need a 12mm socket wrench to take the seat off to get to the battery. so she just takes me home. I pick up the Mini and go back to the bike and get the battery. I take it home and charge it for about an hour, go back and install it, and drive the bike home. So, here I am at home, bike is here, Mini is at Carl’s. I’m just waiting a little while before I have to go out and run in the hot sun to retrieve the Mini.

/sigh I could use some good news or whatnot right about now…

Garfield and Friends

Just watching an episode of ”Garfield and Friends” on Toon Disney. I have to admit, I love Garfield… But I really dislike US Acres. Sorry, I just do. A very thin argument, I realize, since it’s such an old series and they haven’t made new ones in years. Oh well, why am I blogging about something so stupid? ARG… Shut up and make a new design!!!

Sidewalk of Shame [Pics]

Finally, after almost a year later, I have my pictures of the sidewalk of shame. Sad thing is when it was wrecked, I didn’t get 100% of the parts on the ground. Some of you may recall my bike being totaled and I completely restored it. I don’t think I actually blogged about it, oh well… It took alot of blood, sweat and tears but I got it done. The greatest thing is I learned a lot by rebuilding it myself, and actuall I can tell you every part that’s in the pictures… Here’s the pics of the wreckage:


You can actually see how much the bike slid on the ground.




Crappy Ass Computer

CRAP! I finally DLed the BF2 demo and I am unable to play. I can’t even get past the player login screen. Curse you Dell for not giving me a AGP slot!!! By the time I get off my butt and get a new computer, or rather get a job so I can pay for a new computer, all the FPS nerds will be max uber and will kick my ass at the game… Not that they wouldn’t in the first place. Curse you Dell and your cheap asses.

Sex Sprays [Vid]

So, someone tell me wtf is up with all the lame sprays coming out where it says you’ll be irresistable to women. I forgot who started it, but I recently saw a new one called Tag. Fairly funny, but i think it helps if you shower and don’t smell like ass. I don’t think any type of spray will help you get chicks… On the other hand, if they made a spray that smelled like money… j/k

Goodbye EA

Well, I finally got my wish. I’m saying goodbye, nay, until next time, to EA. As of this Friday, I will no longer be employed at EA. So long EA, it’s been… fun.

On a side note… Damn you EA! I’m going to miss ANOTHER free pre-screening of a hot movie. Last time I missed out when they pre-screened Lord of the Rings Return of the King. This time, I get let go JUST before the release of Batman Begins. LAME… At least I got to see Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith TWICE before it came out in the theaters!

Star Wars Fans?

Anyone out there want to see Star Wars Episode 3 for the first time, second, tenth? I gotta catch up with a friend of mine from work who has already seen it four times! Anyone up for a movie? LOL