E3 2005

So, after years and years of reading about it in magazines, I have finally been able to attend an E3. E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo, which is basically (for lack of better explanation) a carshow for video games where companies show off their newest games and hardware.

A little tidbit that I MUST add is the fact that we rented a Buick Century something-rather for 5 guys (some of us became a little too close that trip), left at 12am right after a long day of work on Thursday night, got there at about 6am, messed around a bit in LA (more accurately, slept in a McDonalds lol), come 8AM we went into the Convention Center (which is right next to the Staples Center.) and stood in line for an hour since it didn’t open until 9am. Finally when 9am came around hordes of people (geeks, nerds, etc) ran into the center. After which at about 3PM, an hour before close (we wanted tog et out of there before the huge traffic), we made our way home to get home about 7PM. The original plan was to go to E3 with 7 guys, then make our way to Vegas again for some end of project fun, but they sprung us with some nice overtime ($$$) we could not refuse. Hopefully, it was just a postponement and not a cancellation.

This year was the year to go, as the big three (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) were showing off the next-gen consoles (XBOX 360, PS3, and Revolution, respectfuly)…

Impressive displays by every vendor out there, not to mention the fake-everything import…er gamer models aka Booth Babes (sorry, I’m so used to the import models.. well not anymore,, as I have gotten out of that scene completely). I wasn’t in the slightest interested in Nokia’s NGAGE and I hope it dies soon, but boy did they attract a crowd by probably the most Booth Babes. To be pperfectly honest, I was surprised to see so many Booth Babes there, or any at all, I went there thinking it was more of a professional event, seeing that only industry professionals were invited to attend. However, I have to admit that despite the Booth Babes attendance there, it was more tastefull thand say… a car show. There was no nudity, no stripper poles… ok there were dancing girls, but it was part of some show with drums, but I can tell you there were dancing guys there too, along with fire eating/dancing people too. Too bad I don’t recall what vendor that was from…

I’d have to say one of the more interesting things I can say about E3 was the fact that we actually had a ”star” walk past us… The funny thing is, that it was Sinbad. Yes, Sinbad. But did he have a bunch of bodyguards and security? No, he had his entourage of 14 year old boys… I may be exaggerating a tad, but I shit you not. Sinbad and a bunch of young looking guys. I digress…

Overall I had a great time at my first E3. I would have liked more freebies, but what do you expect from the last day? Would I go again? Perhaps. …I have a bunch of pictures, and I’d like to say I’d upload them, but if you’ve red my page before, you know I’m too busy and end up not uploading them anyway. So, don’t hold your breath. =) I love my faithful reader(s)… LOL

Working Late

Yes, I just came back from a long night of work. I was supposed to go in at 12, but they txt msged me to not come in until 7. I had hockey so I went in about 10:30. Funny thing is, soon after I got in they took a dinner break ha. Sooo tired. I think I’d be less tired if I hadn’t had hockey to go to. Well, at least my project went final and submitted to my old group, CQC. Another plus, I don’t have to go in tomorrow (today), yay!

Star Wars Episode 3 [Pic]

HOLY FRACK!!! I just came home from watching Episode 3! I don’t give a FRACK what reviewers or even individuals say how crappy this movie is or will be… I thought it was FRACKING AWESOME! Seeing everything piece together is one of the high points. The poor acting by some is the low. Other than that, I’d have to say THE best of the new three, but honestly can’t say the best in the series. I won’t type much here, as I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone. However, here are some tidbits… Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader, Anakin and Padme have twin children, and Senator Palpatine is Darth Sidious… HAHAHA.

One thing that troubles me is the fact that in the old Trilogy, Yoda says something like ”No, there is another.” when referring to Pincess Leia… Like it’s some surprise. But, both Yoda and Obi-Wan know about the twins…

Oh, you don’t believe I saw it? Here is a crappy phone pic of the intro crawl. It’s not much, but I didn’t want to get kicked out for taking too many pics. Maybe tomorrow I’ll take more. HAR!

RotS Intro Crawl

Hot Topic T-Shirts [Links]

Holy F’K… I would never think of it but, Hot Topic has the DOPEST t-shirts EVER! I don’t usu like going into the store ’cause it ain’t my thing. But, holy crap! A couple weeks ago I bought one shirt, I bought a black shirt with the Star Wars Imperial symbol on it… I SO wanna buy all the Napoleon Dynamite shirts LOL. Here’s my next purchase.

WTF Adam, Wheres the Updates?

I realize the lack of blog crap, looks, content, etc. Everyone can blame EA and the crazy hours they make us work. No, we can’t sue; we’re paid hourly so we do get paid for the hours we do work. I promise that SOOON I will be able to work on a few goodies for my little space. But until I do, suck it up and deal with it, LOL.

Rumor is that we will be switching to the 12 hour a day, 6 day, alternating weekend days. Actuall, for me, that means 15 hour days (2 hrs lunch/dinner + ~~1hr travel time) plus time allowed to wake up, and more time to wind down after. It ain’t gonna be pretty. On the UP side, I have MUCH to look forward to in the upcoming month (other than the obvious hopefull of the project ending and going gold.)… There’s Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith… HUGE E3 gamer nerd gathering in LA…EAsy Squad Las Vegas trip, pt.2… It’s gonna be a blast! Too bad we couldn’t time E3/vegas better so that we could finish the project, make it to E3, then stay in Vegas for however long we damn well please. Now we gotta rush back to work again like last time. Only this time we MUST be on time as our time then will be CRUNCH TIME! Oh well, there’s still much time to think about it. We still have to worry about where to stay or how we’re eve, gonna get there. I can’t wait!

Hockey Sunday, Championship Game!!! Score: 3-5 Loss

TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Shots On Goal
Misfits 0 1 2 3 14
NVIDIA 2 0 3 5 22

And that ends another good season. Ending the season at 2nd place isn’t bad. Too bad Brian was ejected for a major penalty within the first 10 minutes of the game. Then we lost Rich, ’cause he had another game. We skated hard, 3-4 near the end of the third period, pulled Tyler for the extra skater, and allowed them to score the empty net. We did a great job of coming back, just didn’t have enough time to finish the job. Grats to Steve for getting credited with 3 assists today. heh. Well, good season, probably our best yet. No sense on thinking about the past. We have summer to worry about now. Let’s win the summer championships!

Girls Don’t Like Adam

So, yeah, I went out to the bar on Friday with some co-workers. We met up with my carpool, Scott’s, friends there. So, anyway, at the end of the night, on of the girls goes to me and shakes my hand and says, ”Good luck to whatever you do.” then proceedes to give my other two coworkers hugs and says good bye. I looked at Gemini like, WTF just happened? Throughout the rest of the drunken night all I kept saying was, ”Good luck to whatever you do.” Funny thing is, I do the EXACT SAME THING the other guys do! Diss #1

So, I’m being driven home by Scott and his friend-girl from way back when, and we get to my house and she asks which is my car. I answer, the Mini. She reply’s with, ”What a cute car!” pWnage #2. Then again, she was talking sh*t to me the whole ride home anyway. (playfully of course) but then I’ve only known her for like 6 hours, tops.

I have come to the conclusion that girls just don’t like Adam…