Hockey Sunday, PLAYOFFs!!! Score: 1-3 WIN!, Record 1-0

TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Shots On Goal
Misfits 3 0 0 3 21
Bandits 1 0 1 0 1 17

Holy crap what a game. This is how we should play every game, hard hitting and to the point. We really showed them we want the W. I mean, come on. ALL THREE goals of ours were SHORTHANDED GOALS. What does that mean? Just that when the goal was scored, someone was in the penalty box making it 4 on 5 on the ice.

Grats to Byron (2g) and Russ (2a). Grats to JoeB for the winning goal, from Steve. Only one more game, the Championship Game!!! Let’s win it this season! Sunday 4/17 12:15PM Be there!!!

Work = teH Suck! No More Email [FLAME]

So they’ve gone and done it. :angry: They’re actually going to take away outside communication through email. Sometimes I wonder why they want to treat their temps like they’re not human beings. Sure it’s trust, but if you don’t trust us, don’t hire us. Testers must NOT be an important part of the video game business… I don’t see devs doing all the testing of their product…

They’ve basically taken away everything. No internet, no AIM, you can’t install progs without admin access (So, no games on the computer even at lunch and no PowerDVD… luckly I have to have admin access), no cell phones, no PDAs, no PSPs!!!, they’re thinkning of not letting you bring in your own systems too, NOW no outside email! (someone tell me if I missed anything…) Pretty soon they’ll be taking away all outgoing email including to internal, all you can get is incoming email from your leads or something. I heard a rumor they’ll be taking away the air on the test floor too. Yup, no air, you have to go to another floor, take a deep breath then go back to work.

I have taken steps to make people available on my AIM Mobile List on my primary ”payntball” AIM SN. If you don’t know what it is, or if can’t see me, tell me. You can also email me at I’ll shut it off or change it if I get too many idiots IMing me out of nowhere.

Bottom line, TESTERS ARE SCUM. :angry:

NOTE: Incase you THINK about flaming me, don’t bother, I’ve heard it all and will delete any flames I feel like. Don’t think for a minute that just because I TEST video games all day, that it’s all fun and games. Remember this is a business, a business to make money. It’s still a job and just think about putting one paper from one pile to another (almost too real of an analogy) for 10+ hours, every day, SIX days a week, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep (because as soon as you leave work it seems like you have to go back), have it ruin your relationship with everyone; then tell me, ”Oh, you play video games all day, stop bitching.” Sure, I finally have income, that I don’t take for granted. However, it’s still a job, a stressfull one at that. So don’t judge if you truly don’t know my situation. (A reoccuring flame in comments in my blog)

Krispy Kreme

I was RIGHT!!! Or actually, Mr. Wong from Rojo’s was. The Wherehouse where I used to work at in Saratoga IS going to be a Krispe Kreme! Oh everyone welcome fatter days! j/k I don’t want to eat there if I can help it. I’ll stick with my Rojo’s wraps. Just hurry up and friggen finish the damn parking lot!!!


Incase you’re reading this and it looks REALLY stupid. It’s because you came here through a link and not from my splash page. Please update links or tell someone else to. If you’re wondering why the change. I was bored and decided to make a PSP semi-safe page ’cause PSP is so l33t! If you didn’t know, someone actually figured out a way to browse the web through a game. Pretty cool…

Adam’s New PSP [Link] [Pics]

Yes, that IS a PSP with the Star Wars Episode 3 trailer
Yes, that IS Anakin Skywalker in the SW E3 Trailer on the PSP!

Adam’s new TOY!!! Wheeeeeeeee… It’s sooooo purdy!!! Can’t wait until more stuff is out.

I think it’s hella funny how much advertising is out there for the PSP considering how hard it is to find one. I know, they’re just creating hype; just like when the PS2 came out, as well as the PS2 network adapter. It’s still a neat little contraption… Too bad, now, I have to sell all my stuff to pay for it. šŸ™ Now all I need is a 1 GB Memory Stick Duo and I’m all set. (You can watch full DVDs compressed on a memory stick!)

PSP Browser
Proof you CAN use your PSP as a web broswer.

Petals Around the Rose

OK so here’s the puzzle…

I can only tell you these three things: the name of the game is Petals Around the Rose, every answer is zero or an even number, and after every roll the answer to each roll. But there’s a long story so go here:

Petals Around the Rose

Oh and DON’T friggen try to look up the answer online! You’ll kick yourself after you figure out what it is. Also, don’t f’n post the f’n answer or I will delete it.

Hockey Monday, Score: 1-3 WIN, Record: 14-7-1

TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Shots On Goal
Misfits 1 0 2 3 18
Usual Suspects 0 1 0 1 18

I have to say, it was a good end to an even better season. But it’s not over yet, it’s playoff time! I’d have to say, what a stupid time for a game; Monday night 11 something PM. Everyone’s tired, hungry, just got off work. Even more so for me, I really JUST got off work, I didn’t have any dinner nor much sleep the night before. =P It’s long over now and we went out with a nice W. A little funny story about this game, even early in the game everyone was skating a little drag-ass. Other than the OBVIOUS, I’m thinking because this game really didn’t matter to either of us, we’re already locked in for playoff spots, and there’s no sense in getting hurt before playoffs.

Grats to Russ for a two point game (1g 1a), and Darryl also for a two point game (1g 1a) and the game winning goal.

We have a bye the first round of playoffs so rest up, but not too much (stay off the couch!), grab the stationary bike and get ready our game, Apr 10 6PM.

Hockey Friday, Score: 2-4 WIN, Record: 13-7-1

TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Shots On Goal
Misfits 2 2 0 4 21
Stampede 2 0 0 2 12

I don’t do this very often, but I’m going to give you a lesson in SPORTSMANSHIP. Luckly it’s only one lessong. Lesson: When the opposing team does NOT have a goalie… DO NOT let your guard down. Play the game as if they have extendedly pulled their goalie and are allowing you to score on them… Why do I say this? Because, you have no idea how the other team is going to play, with or without the goalie.

Case in point. Tonight’s game we played half a game without a goalie, and when we did finally get Tyler, not much action was happening. Sure, they scored 2 goals in the first minute. I know damn well they let go a little bit. But, four minutes after their last goal, I score a goal. Then nine minutes later, their goalie is playing with the puck behind the net (I have no idea wtf he’s doing, ’cause he sees me coming.) I take it away, wrap around, and score another goal. It’s now 2-2.

In the second period Daves scores one, then Byron scores one. I must remind you, this is STILL before Tyler AND Gary show up for a little breather.


Ok my grats: Grats to me for a decent game (finally) 2g 1a 1penalty (lame), Grats to Byron for a 2 point game (1g 1a). A BIG Grats to everyone who played, way to show THEM no mercy. One more game before playoffs, keep that winning going!