In case you didn’t hear, Adam went to Vegas with the boys from work. A little breather from work before the Armagedon hits. (We just got word today that, yes, it hit. I now work 10-9 M-SAT, but I digress) A whole weekend of gambling, alcohol, and chicks… Minus the um chicks. Apparently, they all got wind that it’ll be crappy that weekend for spring break. Damn we shoulda gone to somewhere like Cabo or something HAR. moO tells me it’s cause you have to be 21 to do ANYTHING in LV. That sort of didn’t dawn on us… duh. :confused: Since when did they get rid of all the coins in the slot machines!??! Damn, that’s not fun anymore. What they SHOULD have done was keep all those coins in the machine, then at the door they’d have a Coinstar or something. LOL How do you have no coins in the slot machines!?!?!?!??! LAME!!!

Damn now I have to sift through 300 emails 🙁 … At least I’ll be able to have a chance to relive my time there in a few months. E3/Vegas trip BABY!!! …

Oh yeah, did I mention we left RIGHT after work at 8PM, drive 10 hours to get to Las Vegas, party, then come Sunday 12AM, we drove back JUST in time to go back into work. Ugh. I’m STILL tired… 😀

Whatever happens here, stays here.

Tell me if it works or not.

OC! — j/k

OK, so who elst watched the OC?! It’s such a cool show. Just kidding! So who watched the OC JUST to see the new Star Wars trailer? I forgot to set my tivo, now I have no trailer. Can anyone send me a Tivo file or something? 🙁 I can DL things, but they all look crappy or have crap sound. DAMN!

/rude Crutchfield

I would like to personally give that audio company Crutchfield a huge F*CK Y**! I always thought they were an overpriced Nazi company. Now, I know they are. I tried to get an idea if the NEW Pioneer CD-IB100 would work with my current deck, they flat out told me “…no, but here’s a deck you can add to your shopping cart that IS fully compatible.” You stupid F*CKS. I emailed Pioneer directly and said YES it DOES work. I don’t think Pioneer would screw me out of $150. If they were in the business of screwing me out of my money, they would have said the same thing Crutchfield said. Plus it says right there in the article, BACKWARD COMPATIBLE. <^> FU Crutchfield.

Hockey Tuesday, Score: 1-4 WIN, Record: 12-7-1

TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Shots On Goal
Misfits 1 1 2 4 30
Stampede 1 0 0 1 23

I realize I didn’t do a write up on the last game. Well there wasn’t a game, the other team forfeited. I guess it was because NO ONE showed up!… All good, it’s a W for us.

Today, we really hung in there and pulled it off. Points were spread around the team. Grats to Russ for a two point game (2A), Byron for a SH Goal, Dave for a PP Goal. Rest up, we play them again in two weeks. So hit those treadmills and don’t do anything stupid like get hurt or something. :laugh:

Whatever happens in Vegas…

Hrm… Seeing that I have a trip to Sin City (is that right?) coming in a couple weeks, I find it funny to see more and more LV commercials. The latest one was the one where the girl uses all the names when she meets guys: Cindy, Jan, Marsha, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, Samantha, Xena, Lucy (this is my friend Ethel (You gotta see her friend’s face lol)), Louise, Ginger. And the last guy introduces himself as Cliff and his friend Norm. I just had to laugh… or LOL… Ah, I forsee a fun weekend… Not TOOO fun… Is it sad that I know almost all of the names in the commercial? What’s with the Louise and Ginger?

Whatever happens here, stays here.

Tell me if it works or not.

Hockey Wednesday, Score: 5-2 Loss, Record: 10-7-1

TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Shots On Goal
Misfits 0 1 1 2 30
Bayhawks 2 2 1 5 43

WTF was up with the downtown freeway entrances tonight? It took me like 30 minutes to just get onto the freeway. Everything was closed. I went from 11th > 12th > 1st > 3rd > ??? > ??? > 3rd > ??? > 4th. Yeah, I don’t know much about downtown. I was following Dave for a while. But, some how got lost LOL. Anyway, I digress…

Chalk another ”L” for us. I feel that Number 2 spot slip away. It’s ok, we just have to step it up some more. Maybe get more guys to come. We somehow let a PP goal and a SH goal in. We just had an off night. Anyway, we should conserve our energy, since we have a game on Saturday and another next Tuesday. :crazy: At least I’m getting more exercise. I just hope I’m not hurting tomorrow…

Cluck U: 6 – EA: 1

After parting with me $50 to Nick. This Monday, we took another group of suckers… **ehem** guys to take the 911 challenge. 3 showed up, 3 did not succeed I’m sure the avi/mpg will show up sooner or later. Dang, EA needs to represent more. So far we’re only 1 in 7. Step it up guys! Toon in for more spicy chicken.

I hope to have more (any) pics up soon. Gotta keep reminding me or I’ll forget. HAR. …We should seriously start charging people to take the challenge…

Hockey Saturday, Score: 1-5 Loss, Record: 9-6-1

TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Shots On Goal
Misfits 0 0 1 1 18
Bandits1 2 3 0 5 25

Ha so long ago, too lazy and tired to post, let alone do today’s post… Damn we got stomped on. I’m not sure what it was. I know we have a little restructuring to do. We picked up a new FT goalie from my brother’s team. I’m sure it’ll work out nicely. Dispite a nice crowd that day, we just didn’t out perform the opposition. Must be the stupid every other week schedule we have going. So, lame. This team was out to just be cheap. However, we wouldn’t let them. Unfortunetly it ended up with 12 lines of penalties for us and 8 penalties for them, as well as two 2-game suspensions for us and one for them. I managed to pick up 3 mintues myself, ultra lame. This is our first and only (so far) game against these guys. But, I’m feeling a grudge match in the near future.